I'll Be There For You [Destiel]

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(A/N, a little backround of this story. Dean Winchester and Castiel Novak are both twenty one and they go to the same community college in Lawrence, Kansas. They've been going to the same school since they were freshman in high school and Castiel has had a crush on Dean since tenth grade. Yeah, so, enjoy.)

"Dammit, Cas!" Dean yelled as his books fell to the floor. Oh no, I just pissed off probably the toughest guy on campus.

"I'm so-." I started.

"Save it." Dean muttered as he picked up his things and walked off in a hurry to catch up with his jock friends and cheerleaders. I've been thinking about him again. I know what you're thinking, guy thinking of another guy, gaay. Well, you're correct. I've been completely infatuated with Dean Winchester since the eleventh grade and all he knows about me is my first name. I'm not his type, sadly. He slept with 80% of the girls on campus. You'd never think that a twenty one year old could sleep with over twenty five girls. I picked up my books from the pile on the floor and headed to class. Once the day was over, I almost bolted out of the door, I was too embarrassed about today to even stay after for debate club that our college has. It's pretty crappy if I do say so myself. I saw Dean heading for his baby, his black, four door, 1967 Chevy Impala.

"Dean!" I said, speed walking towards him. "Hey, sorry about earlier, my mind was just wrapped up in a few things and I didn't see you." Dean looked up at me from his car.

"It's fine just don't let it happen again." He said as he got into his car. I nodded and walked away as he drove back to where ever it was that he lived. I started my journey home. Home, a place where I'm misunderstood and judged for my sexual orentation. There's no place like home. The only person there that understands me is my fourteen year old sister, Madisyn.

As soon as I stepped into the door, I got a death stare shot over to me by my alcoholic father, he was the worst of my family. He'd get drunk and yelled at whoever was closest to him at the time.

"Hello to you too, dad." I said, sarcastically. He grunted. I opened the door to the attic where my room was and headed upstairs. Ever since my brother died, no one went up here except for me, he was my twin brother, Gabriel. We used to be up here all the time. I threw my bag to the floor and flopped down on my bed.

"What am I going to do about Dean..." I trailed off before falling asleep.


I threw the BB gun to Sam, my seventeen year old geek of a brother. "Come on, man. You said you wanted to go shoot some targets so let's go." He looked at me in confusion.

"But you told me that I'm hopeless with a gun." He stated.

"You are but I'm teaching you. Be lucky I came here before going home or you wouldn't know how to shoot normally." I snapped. Sam rolled his eyes and started for the woods where we normally go to shoot. I was thinking about the dare that Crowley is trying to make me do, ask that Novak kid on a date. I would but I don't play for his team and if he did say yes, what was I supposed to do? Sam likes his younger sister, Madisyn but she was only in ninth grade, he's in eleventh.

After I finally finished teaching Sammy how to shoot properly, I decided to go to the bar, I needed to stop thinking about this dumbass dare.


I sat up from my bed, my hair a mess, and looked at my alarm clock. 7:45. Thank God I didn't have anything to do tomorrow because I need to drink. I'll never drink like my father does but I still get drunk from time to time. I lived only down the street from the bar so I walked there. As soon as I got there, I noticed Dean's Impala in the parking lot. Great, I'm drinking to get my mind off Dean in the same building as Dean. I took a deep breath and walked in. As soon as I got in, he looked over with a weird look on his face. He looked away with an expression that said "oh, great." I knew he didn't like me, at all, even as a friend. I turned to walk away but a voice stopped me.

"Cas!" I looked over, it was Dean. I raised my eyebrow . "Come 'ere." He yelled over the music. I walked over to him slowly and full of confusion.

"...yeah?" I asked once I got there. Dean bit his bottom lip slightly and placed a hand on the back of his neck.

"Uh.. Would you... uh.. w-would.." He stopped and took a deep breath. "Would you like to get a drink with me sometime..?" My heart almost stopped, the room became blurry & I felt dizzy. The room went black.

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