Chapter Thirty Three

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Hey, my lovelies! I hate to interrupt the story, but I just read this book that you HAVE to read. It is called 'She's With Me' and it made me cry, laugh, flip out, cry, fall in love did I mention that I cried? If you want a rollercoaster of emotion, read that book. IT'S AMAZING!!!!!!!! It's also written by AvaViolet. If you are reading this AvaViolet, I LOVE YOU!

The rest of my day went by pretty quickly.  When lunch rolled around, I was really happy to sit with my friends again. I sat between Zeke and Danny. Scott, Tyler and David sat across from us. May sat on the right of Scott. She looked at us expectantly.
"So. Want to give me the details?" May asked suddenly. I looked at Scott. He looked back and shrugged. I looked down at my plate and sighed. When nobody said anything I looked at May. Dead in the eye. She stared right back. She wasn't nervous. Or intimidated. Good. I sighed and got comfortable. I felt Zeke lace his fingers with mine under the table. My heart exploded with happiness.
"Ok. Well, about three months ago, my best friend's parents got a divorce. She chose her dad. He moved to Texas with her. Well, a few weeks after that, my other best friend started sleeping around with Cheyenne. He was already under enough stress, but her cheating on him Skylar Jones didn't help at all. We fought often because of Cheyenne. Well, his parents were hard on him, so he said. He said he couldn't deal with Ashley moving, Cheyenne cheating, us fighting, and his parents on his ass. So, he was tired of it. He came to my house, set his phone up on record and commenced to tell me how sorry he was. Then, he pulled the knife out and slit his throat. Well, before that, Ashley had Zeke 'watch me' while she was gone, to make sure I didn't do anything 'rash', as she put it. When Cody killed himself... I was a wreck. Zeke, however, settled me. He started talking to me more, and eventually, I fell for him. So, we started dating." I explained. I swear May was almost in tears when I finished. Yeesh. Talk about emotional. Oh, well. I understand. Zeke was rubbing circles on the back of my hand. David was content on eating his food. Danny was looking at anything but us. Tyler was looking at his food, but not touching it. Scott was watching me intently. If I had to say, I'd say that Scott was my closest friend out of the guys. Except for Zeke.
"My lord. I'm so sorry." May whispered. I scrunched my nose.
"It's not your fault." I said firmly. She nodded and ate her food. I kind of felt bad for snapping at her, but really. How many times does a girl have to hear, "I'm sorry"?? David spoke up.
"Do you guys want to go watch a movie at my house tonight?" He proposed. I looked at my friends. Danny nodded with Tyler. Scott looked at May who shrugged, though I knew Scott would go anyway. I wondered if him and May were a thing. If they were, she was so different them him. It was cute. I looked at Zeke, who was looking at me. I looked back at David.
"Yeah, sure. What movie?" I asked. He tapped his chin in thought. He snapped happily.
"How about Anchorman? With Will Ferrell?" He asked. I chuckled. I loved that movie. We all nodded in agreement.
"That's perfect, David." I smiled. He grinned. Zeke was looking at his phone when he froze. I looked at him. He was looking at his phone with a blank look on his face. I tugged on his hand to get his attention. He slowly turned his head towards me. He kept his head low, his hair was covering his eyes. When he met my gaze, I almost shouted out. Tears ran down his cheeks and filled his eyes. I'd never seen him cry. I looked at my friends and May, I haven't decided if she's a friend or not yet, and cleared my throat.
"Zeke and I are going to go walk around. I want some alone time with him." I declared. They all nodded and continued chatting. Scott, however, gave me a questioning look. I shook my head and tried to smile reassuringly. He narrowed his eyes and shrugged. I stood up, bringing Zeke with me. We walked outside and around the parking lot.
"So... wanna tell me what's going on?" I asked. He shook his head.
"It doesn't matter." He said. His voice was full of emotion. He sounded like he had a hard time talking. I continued walking.
"Well. Am I gonna have to find out on my own?" I asked him. He smiled through his tears. Only a few were falling now.
"Maybe." He replied. We kept walking. Cars and trucks surrounded us.
"Was it your dad?" I asked. He stopped and nodded.
"Yeah... my uncle just texted me. I have to go live with him. He didn't say it that way, though." Zeke explained. My heart dropped realizing that Zeke might leave me like Ash and Cody did.
"How did he put it?" I asked gently. He pulled out his phone and showed me the text.
Asshole: Hey, Zeke. I haven't seen you sine you were a baby. Turns out you are moving in with me because of this predicament. I am sorry to hear about your dad. I love you and I'll see you in two weeks.

He pocketed his phone and fell to the ground.
"What am I going to do, Ray? My life was perfect before you!" He screamed. He looked up at me, tears steaming down his face once again. I felt like somone had sucker punched me in the stomach.
"If you hadn't of whined and complained, I would be perfectly fine right now! I wouldn't have to worry about a crying bitch!" He yelled. His words stung. Bad.
"Zeke. You're going to do this... right after we got back together?" I asked. He stood up and looked at me, a crazy look in his eyes.
"Yes, I am, Rachel. You and your DRAMA FILLED LIFE has ruined mine!" He screamed. I nodded.
"Ok." Was all I said. Before he could say anything, I turned and walked back inside, hiding the tears that ran down my face.

*sigh* I know what you're thinking. 'They just got back together!!' Well, just wait. It will all be ok.

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