Chapter Twenty

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When I got to school the next day, I immediately saw Zeke at his car talking to Danny. I walked over to them. Zeke smiled when he saw me and pulled me into a hug. I rest my cheek on his chest. He layed his chin on my head and continued talking with Danny. I closed my eyes and felt the warmth and security of Zeke's arms. His arms were around me like a steel cage. I breathed in his smell. Boy and laundry soap. I smiled as I felt his fingers weave through my hair. I opened my eyes when they stopped talking. Danny was looking over Zeke's shoulder and coughed. He scratched his chin with his thumb and looked at me. Curious, I turned my head to see what he was looking at. Anger flashed hot through me as I watched Rebecca walk over with... Skylar Jones. I went to move, but Zeke's arms tightened around me. I looked up at him. He just looked at me. I sighed and rest my cheek against Zeke's chest again. Ted and Scott walked over, laughing about something. David was with Tyler who were coming from the right of Zeke's car. Soon, Ted, Scott, Tyler and David were standing with us. I closed my eyes and felt the happiness of being able to say, 'These people are my friends.' David was saying something to Danny, making Tyler laugh. Scott's deep voice shot through and made a smart remark. No surprise. Ted's voice spoke up.
"Uh... hey." He said. I opened my eyes, turned my body around to where my back was against Zeke's chest and looked. Rebecca stood there with Skylar. I narrowed my eyes. Zeke squeezed me gently.
"Hi, Rachel. You look adorable today. I love how your shirt clashes with your hair." She said, innocently. I seethed.
"What's wrong, Rebecca? Couldn't get what's his face, so you go as low as Tyler?" I asked, just as innocent. She narrowed her eyes at me. Skylar turned red. The guys were holding back laughter. Zeke, however, was tense.
"You'll get what's coming to you, James." She said, pointing a finger at me. I wound my arms around Zeke's neck and smiled.
"Yeah, I bet I will." I said. Zeke lowered his head and kissed my neck. He kept his face in my neck when I spoke again.
"Oh. Wait a minute. Are you so trashy Jennifer left? I mean, who would want to be known as the girl who hangs out with Rebecca who screws Skylar Jones?" I asked.
"Look. I don't know what you have againt me, but get over it." Skylar said. Danny whistled. It was a low, deep sound. David crossed his arms. Ted squared his shoulders. Scott, didn't move. I was angry by now.
"You don't know what in have against you... well. Why don't I inform you?" I asked.
"Don't do it, Rachel. He's not worth it." Danny said. Danny. Daniel Edward Gonzalez. The rock of all of us. I looked at him.
"Everything is worth it now." I told him. I faced Skylar again. Rebecca had her tits (A/N I mean no offense. Sorry.) all over his arms.
"Well, my best friend's girlfriend cheated on him with you. He killed himself because of it. That is what I have against you." I said. He scoffed
"No. He killed himself because he was a coward." His words pierced me. Rebecca spoke up.
"Yeah. And last I checked, you weren't best friends. Actually, that skank of a Cheyenne was the reason he ditched you." And her words added the sting.
"Hey. That's enough." David said. Danny rubbed his temples.
"No. It's not, David. She is talking crap on me for something the suicidal idiot did." Skylar exclaimed. Rebecca nodded.
"He didn't even like Rachel anymore. He killed himself because a girl cheated on him. Big flippin' deal." She said. Zeke sighed against my shoulder and lifted his head.
"Stop it. Both of you." He said to Skylar and Rebecca. Rebecca laughed.
"So what. Now you are going to be her defender?" Rebecca asked.
"Cody sure as hell can't." Skylar laughed.
"STOP! STOP IT! CAN'T YOU SEE WHAT I HAVE HAD TO GO THROUGH?! The sympathetic glances! The whispering about how I was the girl who was best friends with the guy who killed himself?! HOW MY BEST FRIEND DID KILL HIMSELF?! Do you ever think about anyone but yourselves?!" I screamed.

Rebecca had a sad look in her eye with each word I said. Tears flooded my eyes and ran down my cheeks. Skylar snorted.
"You think screaming your emotions will help those 'whispers' people say?" He asked. Rebecca shook her head.
"Stop it, baby." She said. He looked at her incrediously.
"You kiddin' me right now? Now you are going to feel sorry?" He asked. She shook her head.
"No. But she's right. She went through Ashley moving and Cody... doing that, and she is still sane." She said. I was shocked. Rebecca was standing up for me. Skylar scoffed.
"Ok. It sounds to me like she is just looking for attention." He said. Ted, the most innocent one of us all walked up to Skylar and his fist connected with Skylar's face. I jumped and Zeke held my arms. He looked at Danny who shook his head and walked over to the two thrashing boys. David and Scott were standing next to Tyler, who was looking at Skylar with a look of hatred. More tears slipped down my cheeks as I thought of that night. Rebecca looked at me, as if there wasn't two guys behind her fighting.
"I'm sorry, Rachel. I'm sorry he killed himself. And, I'm sorry that you think you should search for attention." She sneered. Her words were like a punch to my gut. Everyone stopped moving. Danny had Skylar by the collar of his shirt and had his palm on Ted's chest. David, Scott and Tyler were silent. Zeke let me go and walked over to Skylar.
"Get your pathetic excuse of a girlfriend and get the hell away from us." He said. Danny didn't let Skylar go. David walked over to me and grabbed my arm, pulling me to Scott and Tyler. Tyler shook his head at Rebecca and Scott put a hand on my shoulder and pushed me behind him slightly. David stood on one side, Tyler stood on the other and Scott was in front of me. Rebecca was standing alone. Zeke was with Danny, trying to convince him to let Skylar go. Danny shoved on Ted's chest, moving him toward us. He walked over and hugged me.
"Are you ok?" He asked. He sounded so innocent. I smiled in spite of the situation.
"Yes. I don't get it. Why are guys so... protective of girls?" I asked.
"It's in our blood. It's in our jeans. It's who we are." David said, shrugging. I nodded and turned my attention back to Zeke, Danny and Skylar.
"Just let him go, man." Zeke murmured to Danny. Danny was flabbergasted.
"What? You're just gonna let him talk trash on your girl like that and not do anything? Are you high, man?" Danny exclaimed. Zeke laughed.
"No. But, we play football. He will get it on the field." Zeke said. Danny grunted and threw Skylar. Well, not really, he just shoved him. Rebecca grabbed his hand and threw her hair over her shoulder.
"Tata." She said. Zeke walked over and immediately pulled me into a hug. I slumped against him and cried silently.
"They didn't see it, Zeke. They didn't see it. They wouldn't know!" I screamed into his chest.
"Shh." He soothed.
"They didn't see it." I whispered. Then, I passed out.

I almost cried, envisioning that. Dx Sadness.

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