Chapter One

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"So, Rachel. Are you up for it?" One of my best friends, Ashley Paul, asked me. Ashley had blonde hair that reached mid back. She had big brown eyes that sparkled when she was up to something. Ashley was about my height, she was an inch or two taller than me. My other best friend, Cody Smith, snorted from my bed. I fixed my gaze on him. He had brown hair that that faded from the top to bottom. He had crystal green eyes. And he was much taller than me. By at least four inches.
"Come on, Ash. You know she's not. She's a chicken." He said from my bed. Ash was sitting on my white rug, Cody was lying on his back on my bed, and I was sitting at my desk. My room was decent sized. My bed sat on the left wall. The rug covered most of my wooden floor. My cherry wood dresser sat at the end of my bed. The closet was across from my bed. My desk sat on the back wall, under my window. I scoffed.
"I'm not a chicken. It's just... cold." I said, crossing my arms. Ashley nodded.
"You know, Cody. You're right. I guess we will just have to leave without her. Leave her all by her lonesome self." Ashley teased. Cody sighed dramatically and rolled off my bed.
"I guess so. Even though it is a beautiful day outside." Cody said, standing up. I looked at my window. Snow coated the ground and swirled through the air. I looked back at him.
"Really? Beautiful?" I said. Ashley stood up next to Cody.
"Come on, Rachel! Please? Your mom won't care. We've already asked." Ashley said, bouncing on her toes. I groaned.
"Fine. Fine! I will go. Just let me get my coat." I stood up. Ashley and Cody laughed and high fived. I got my coat out of my closet and slipped my shoes on. We headed down stairs to find my mom and dad curled up on the couch watching The Green Mile. I walked over and kissed my parents on the cheeks. My mother had deep red hair and sky blue eyes. My father had graying brown hair and hazel eyes. They both smiled at me.
"Have fun, sweetie. And you guys be safe. Call if you guys need anything. Ok? Oh, and Emma will be here later. Jason is, too." My mom said. Emma was my older sister. She was 19 and her fiance was Jason. He was 20. They lived in Florida. I nodded. I missed Emma. When we were little we used to play princess and we used to bake with mom. Then, Emma went crazy. She became suicidal and into drugs. We tried to help. But she wouldn't except it. Well, a couple years later, she ran away. The police searched for her for weeks. Finally, they found her under a bridge in Colorado. She gradually got better and is now going to Yale. She met Jason seven months ago. Jason is cool, as far as sister fiance's go. He was your usual pretty boy. Blond hair, blue eyes, totally ripped. Well, not totally. He's toned. Emma had brown hair that reached her waist. She had a tattoo that wrapped around her ankle. Her eyes were a light brown. I looked at Ashley and Cody. They were discussing how epic the Hill was going to be. I smiled and looked at my parents again.
"We'll be back in a couple of hours." I said. And with that, Ashley, Cody and I went to the Hill.

I stood at the top of the Hill, sled grasped in both hands. My dark red hair flew around with the wind. Ashley and Cody were at the bottom of the Hill, cheering me on.
"Come on, Rake!" Cody called. I laughed. He called me that when we were little. Ashley was sitting on her sled, criss cross. I took a staggered breath, set my sled down, sat in my sled, and pushed myself to my death. The Hill was about 50 feet off of the ground. Snow covered all of it. It was at a steep angle and snow was flying everywhere. I screamed until my lungs hurt. When I hit the bottom, my sled flew out from under me and I was launched twenty feet further than Ashley and Cody. I groaned and sat up.
"Satisfied?" I asked, my voice thick and gravely. They were both laughing hysterically, holding their stomachs and leaning on each other.
"Yeah, yeah. Hardy har. So funny." I said, picking my sled up. Cody calmed down a little and stood up, holding his hand out to Ashley. She took his hand and hauled herself up.
"Come on, Rake. That was fun and you know it." Cody said. Ashley sniggered and shook with silent laughter. I tolled my eyes.
"Mhmmm. Fun. Oh, uh, what does that word mean again? I have a feeling you told me." I said, tapping my chin. Ash chuckled and shoved me, making me fall over again. When I sat up and brushed snow from my face, Cody and Ashley were rolling on the ground, howling with laughter. I balled up some snow and chucked it at my laughing friends. It smashed into Cody's face. He gasped and looked at me.
"This. Means. War!!!" He yelled, throwing snow at me. I was laughing when I said,
"They aren't even balled up!" I yelled through laughter. Eventually, Ashley got in on it, too. Then, Cody stopped throwing snow and looked over my shoulder.
"Oh, good pancakes." I heard Ashley whisper. I looked at them quizzically and looked over my shoulder, at what they were looking at. There stood Rebecca Taylor and her minion, Jennifer Roades. Rebecca Taylor was the most popular girl at school. With long dark brown hair, light gray eyes, and an amazing figure, it was basically pre made before she was born. Jennifer was her best friend. Jennifer followed her everywhere. She had brown hair with blond highlights. Her eyes were brown, and she was built just like Rebecca. Even in a snow storm, they were wearing designer clothes. Rebecca and Jennifer were walking toward us when Ashley and Cody stood up. I remained on the ground. Rebecca tipped her head to the side.
"Jenni, look who it is. Rachel and her two dork friends." Rebecca said, staring at us. Jennifer laughed.
"Becca, they aren't dorks. They nerds. Dorks are cool smart kids. Nerds are... not." Jennifer said, putting her hands on her hips. Ashley shook with rage. I stood up and pointed a finger at them both. Before I could flip out, Cody pushed me behind them and took over.
"It is so lovely to see you both, too. Ooh, Jennifer. You look rather adorable with your nose pink." Cody said smoothly. Jennifer blushed pinker than what she was. Rebecca glared at him.
"Listen, Smith. Your sweet words and flattery don't work on me." Rebecca said, pointing her finger at him. This time, Cody tipped his head in curiosity.
"What am I trying to do? I was just complimenting her. You would know that, if you tried being nice sometimes." Cody said. Ashley snorted and I gaped at him. Rebecca sneered at him and turned on her heel.
"Come on, Jenni." She said. Jennifer stayed a second and waved at Cody, then hurried after Rebecca. Cody looked confused.
"What was that for?" He wondered aloud. Ashley put a hand on his shoulder.
"You told her she was adorable. She took it the wrong way." She told him. He grinned evilly and threw an arm around both of us.
"But only you two are my girls." He said, kissing us both on the cheek. Ashley squealed and I poked him in the sides. Ashley and I wrapped an arm around him and we went to my house.

Hello! This is my first ever story! xD I really hope you like it!!

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