Chapter Eleven

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I was hanging halfway off of my bed when Charlie started screeching unattractively. I moaned and rolled onto my bed, checking the time. 2:46 a.m. I looked at my beloved bird and saw him on top of his cage, his wings spread out and his head going forward with every screech.
"Shh." I soothed. He looked at me and blinked, as if he was realizing I was there and he didn't just scream at the top of his lungs. I gestured my hand in a "come here" motion. He chirped and flew over to me, landing on my shoulder. His neck was puffed up and was looking at my doorway. I followed his gaze and saw none other than Cody standing there, casually leaning on my doorway, like he wasn't standing there watching me like a creep would. I let out a shriek and scooted to my wall. Charlie started screeching again. I started petting his head and he calmed down. Cody chuckled.
"So." He said, putting his hands in his pockets. Charlie flew to his cage and settled in his bed.
"What the hell are you doing here, man?" I whispered. He shrugged.
"I missed this place." He said. I shook my head.
"You shouldn't be here." I said. He looked at me. His eyes were sad. His stature was solid. Charlie gave a low, quiet call. Cody nodded.
"I know. But, I'm here anyway? Look, I came to talk." He said, taking his phone out and propping it up on my dresser. A knot began to form in my stomach. A knot made of fear and longing for my old best friend. He put it on video and started recording.
"I miss you, Rake. More than you can believe. You and Ash, both. Cheyenne... Cheyenne left me. Cheated on my with Skylar Jones of all people." He rubbed his face.
"Wait. The Skylar Jones? Like, player Jones?" I asked, feeling a juicy gossip coming up. He nodded slowly. His face had a pained expression. I was getting slightly suspicious about the recording going on.
"Yes. Skylar Jones. My parents are furious with me because of my grades. Then again, my grades suck because of Ash leaving, Cheyenne cheating... and you, Rake. I have been focused on you. I miss you so much. Zeke will only hurt you. He will hurt you, and you will hurt him." He said. The marks on Zeke came to mind when he said that. Is hook my head.
"Why did you even tell Zeke all of that? You lied, Smith!" I exclaimed quietly. He nodded again.
"Yes, Rake, I know. I told him that to protect you." Cody said gently. Charlie was making a quiet sound in the back of his throat. I looked at him. He was staring at Cody. When I looked back, I saw a knife in his hand. A small knife. The blade was obviously sharp. The knife gleamed in the light.
"Cody... what are you doing with the knife?" I asked, standing up. If I had to defend him, I would be standing up. He smiled and shook his head.
"Don't worry, man. I'm just... I'm finishing something I should've finished weeks ago." He said. He rolled up his sleeves and gashes were on his wrists and arms. Two dozen on each arm, tops. I gasped and covered my mouth.
"Cody." I whispered. I jerked him into a hug, not caring he had a knife. I felt his arms go around me and he went limp slightly.
"I miss you, Rake. I'm so sorry for everything I did and said." He whispered into my ear. I squeezed him harder and closed my eyes, feeling them get wet.
"It's ok, Cody. I will help you. I promise." I said, not realizing I was crying. He pulled away gently and wiped my tears away. He chuckled.
"I don't need help, Rake. I love you." Everything after that seemed to happen in slow motion. I saw his arm go up with the knife. I saw his face go slack. I saw his arm drop. Then, he fell. Crumpled to the ground by my feet. I screamed and dropped beside him. His eyes were sad as he looked at me. I put my hands on his face and cried.
"Cody... why? Why?!" I screamed. Charlie was making a horrible sound. Crying, over and over again. I heard mom and dad running into my room, but I barely noticed it. I only noticed the way Cody's blood pumped out until it stopped pumping.

I sat on my bed, watching the video over and over again. The video Cody recorded while he killed himself. Tears streamed down my face as I watched him fall. My scream was inhuman. I sobbed and put the phone on my nightstand. I grabbed a pillow and put it to my chest. It has been six days since it happened. Six days of me grieving. I got calls from Ash. I didn't answer. I got calls from Emma. I didn't answer. I even got a few calls from Zeke. I never answered. Just stayed in my room, afraid to leave, because if I did, the image would be real again. I heard a knock on my door. More tears flowed.
"Come in." I said, not bothering to wipe my tears away. Zeke stood in my doorway, a forlorn expression on his face. That brought even more tears. He shook his head and walked over to my bed, sitting beside me. I didn't move, just held the pillow and cried. He didn't move, either. Charlie flew over and landed on my leg, staring up and Zeke. Zeke smiled softly and rubbed his head.
"You doing ok, little guy?" He whispered. Charlie chirped and ruffled his feathers.
"I'm not either. Especially since Rachel won't even look at me." He said to Charlie. Charlie turned to me and chirped, as if he was demanding me to look at Zeke. I looked up at Zeke and saw his gold eyes. His beautiful, sad gold eyes.
"Hi, Rachel." He said quietly. I let out a loud, sad sob and threw myself into his arms. He held me silently as I cried. Once I finally calmed down, I pulled away.
"Sorry. I just... have you seen the fucking video?" I whispered. He shook his head. I bit my fist, holding back a sob and gave him the phone. He hit play and watched everything. I sat motionless as he turned the phone off. He stood up and shook his head.
"Skylar... he used to be my buddy. My friend. He takes Smith's girl. He caused pain on Cody." He said, clenching his fists. I nodded. He shook his head.
"No." He said. He grabbed my face in his hands and kissed my forehead softly. Butterflies erupted in my stomach. Then, he left. I heard the front door slam. Then, I realized what he was going to do. I jumped out of bed, threw some shoes and a coat on and ran outside, ignoring my door as best as I could.

Hello! /O.O\ So... this was a really hard chapter to write..., like, really hard. I know most of you don't read this, and that's fine. xD I don't have WiFi at home, so I only update my story every few weekends. Yurp.

Since WhenOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora