Chapter Ten: You're Not The Only One That Died Last Night Pt. 1

Start from the beginning

I hadn't been here in quite some time, but it hadn't changed one bit, her house fully woodend themed.

The huge house was beautiful and calm.

I looked over at Naomi who now sat down at the same place where Serena was, her face desolate hanging low.

"Are you serious?!" I whispered with a bit outrage.

"Your jealous that Justin is comforting her?" I whipered again.

She looked up at where I stood her eyes piercing through my soul.

"Your a hypocrite" she spoke, standing on her feet to face me. "Tell me you didn't get Jealous when I told you that Serena liked Dean, tell me your blood didn't boil." Her words sounded like Knifes.

I guess I was being hypocritical, yea I got jealous when I found out but I know me and Dean could never be a thing.

I suddenly became sympethatic.

"Sorry" I muttered.

"Lets just go" She said storming out the door, I had the keys I don't know where she was going so fast, 

but right now we had to help Serena.

I opened the door and followed her outside, trying to stop her.

"Naomi! Naomi!, I have the keys I have no idea where you're going" I sassed finally stopping a bit behind her.

She turned around, her face angry.

"I want to go home" she gritted through her teeth, holding her rage.

"We have to help Serena, have you no sympathy?" I spoke with disbelief.

"Are you stupid?, were witches are instincts are always right, we read people just by looking at them!" She angrily screamed.

at first I didn't understand, but then

 I knew.

"You think Justin has a thing for Serena" I spoke this time with the knowledge and the reason for her anger.

"I don't think, I know, they had a thing last year at summer camp" her voice now despondent.

 I remembered last years Summer Camp, it was a nightmare, chills arose all over my body as the memories tried to make thier way into my mind. I shaked them and remembered only what I decided I wanted to. At the camp Serena mentioned she had a thing with one of the School Jocks on the trip and I also remembered how she went on and on about him. Until one day she arrived at the cabin, the one all three of us shared, crying and she never talked about him again.

My thoughts were inturrepted by Naomis voice.

"How he looks at her, he's never looked at me that way" her eyes watered.

"Just take me home" She said wiping her tears, seeing Naomi cry broke me everytime she did it was horrible.

She always seemed to have a smile on her face so when she cried it just wasn't astronomically right.

I do think she was being a bit dramatic though, I mean Justin was with her for a reason right? 

I mean I just found about them tonight, about all of this tonight, so I couldn't really decipher if Justin cared about her.

I didnt question it any longer and decided to take her home, Serena would have to wait, but I'm sure Justin would take care of it.

I opened the car and hopped in Naomi doing the same, and drove her home.



I was abrubtly awakened by my Iphone's stupid alarm, "Fuck my life" I groaned in my bed.

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