Play With Me! - Nishinoya x Reader

Start from the beginning

He neared it, noticing how the back of the head seemed to be crumpled in and how there were a few wires sticking out from the back. He shook his head in disbelief before stomping on the head, stopping the noise at a high pitched wail. The team, now feeling as though the threat was over, moved over to see the creepy doll.

Daichi picked it up by its crushed head, motioning to the wires on it as he showed the others. "Now, this was obviously a prank, but..." He stared at the team intently, "Which one of you did it?"

They all immediately cried out their protest, claiming how it wasn't them or that they'd never pull something like this on the team. Some were beginning to point fingers, and there was so much yelling and noise that Daichi was beginning to get angry.

"Alright, enough! It's evident that one of you did it, because no one else knew about our trip, right?" Everyone grumbled their agreement, save for Nishinoya, who was unusually quiet now. The team turned to him, Sugawara putting a hand on his shoulder.

"Nishinoya? What is it?"

He coughed awkwardly, scratching at his head and looking away from his teammates. "Well, um, I kinda was talking about it during my class on Tues-GLACK!" Tanaka was shaking Nishinoya's frame, and the libero's head was lolling back and forth like a rag doll.

Asahi and Suga pulled them apart, both looking at Nishinoya with concern. "Are you alright, Yuu?" Asahi asked, and the shortest on the team nodded.

"Yeah... Listen, I'm sorry... I wasn't thinking-and I-"

"Play with me!" Everyone turned to the doll in Daichi's hand, but it was inanimate. They began to look around before noticing that the door to the storage was open, and an army of dolls identical to the first one were marching out; all screeching the same message. "Play with me! Play with me! Play with me! Play with me!"

The team screamed loudly and ran onto the stage, trying to avoid the dolls that were coming towards them. Daichi threw the doll that was in his hands towards the sea of dolls, clinging to Suga.

Nishinoya, however, was still trying to apologize through his screams. "I'M SORRY! I'M SORRY! I'M SORRY DAICHI!" He screamed loudly as the dolls got even closer to the stage, trying to back away from them as he clung onto Tanaka and Asahi.

Suddenly, the dolls were crawling onto the stage as well, their arms jerkily clutching to the edge of the stage and pulling themselves up. The team moved as far back as they could, only to realize that they had hit a dead end with a row of tables blockading the way out.

Hinata was crying, screaming to Kageyama about how he never got to live fully and how he was going die a virgin, and how no one should have to do that!

As their legs hit the table, it gave way and the volleyball team fell onto their backs, the wind being successfully knocked out of each and every one of them. The dolls continued their advance, and everyone clung to each other while screaming about their lives and how much they loved-

Suddenly, it all stopped. The lights about the stage flicked on, momentarily blinding the team before they blinked and got their vision back. Tsukishima was the first to scramble away from the others, sitting up as he shoved Kageyama and Yamaguchi away from him. The other Karasuno boys followed suit, all sitting up and noticing a girl sitting in a glorious arm chair in the center of the gym. She had a remote control in her hands, a Karasuno school uniform on, and her (h/c) hair splayed around her face as a wicked grin crawled onto her face.

"Hi boys!" She greeted, waving the hand that held the remote. "Happy April Fools' Day!"

--------Extra Ending--------

It was now the following day, and Y/n had cleaned up her mess the night before before assuring the boys that was all that she had in store for them. They, though it was a bit bitter, offered to let her stay at their volleyball sleepover, and the group had quite a fun time.

They were gathered at the entrance of the gym doors, and farewells were being given to one another, along with promises to never speak of what happened there ever again.

Everyone was still wary of Y/n, and she could tell, so she sighed and called for their attention.

"Alright, you volleyball nerds. I know what I did was mean, and rude, and-"

"And uncalled for!" Hinata shrieked, still traumatized about the entire ordeal.

She nodded her agreement, "Right. And uncalled for. So, as an apology, I'd like to give you... this." She dug around in her backpack for a moment before pulling something out and presenting it to the boys. They all feinted simultaneously, and she gave them a weird look before turning to the doll and mocking its shrill cry when it called out, "Play with me!" 

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