"What's wrong?" I asked, confused.

"I just decided that we should have lunch at our place." he said, casually.

"We don't have food and it's far away." I stated.

He just smirked and said, "Actually, we do and we can get there in no time with our horses. I think you're just afraid that I'll beat you on the way there."

"I am not!" I said angrily retorted.

"Prove it."

"Are you challenging me?" I asked with a scoff and a sudden burst of self-pride and self-confidence.

"Obviously, my lady." he said cockily but in a gentlemanly tone.

"Well then, I'll see you there. . . when you lose!" I called out as I dashed my horse past the manor.

I could hear our laughter as we finally raced through the trees and into the wide clearing until we stopped at our place heavily panting from the exhilaration.

"I underestimated you." he said, breathing heavily as he went down from his horse and looked at me.

I just shrugged with a huge grin on my face and hopped down from Orion's back. I made my way to my favorite tree, sat down and rested my back against its massive trunk exhausted. Daniel sat next to me holding a basket which I never noticed since our tour.

"What's in the basket?" I curiously asked.

"Let's see." he said as he opened it and brought the items out. "There's pie and wine."

"Dessert for lunch?" I asked.

"Why not?" he asked back with a smile.

I didn't complain any further because I was really starving. I didn't even ask how he managed to bring it during the whole ride without destroying the pie. I already concluded that he could do the impossible.

We stayed quiet most of the meal. Both our minds wandering somewhere else. I was contemplating on what question I should or could ask him. I don't really know much about him, only that he's from a wealthy and well-known family, a high-class yet uniquely different person from their status-quo, and a very annoying, cocky and mysterious guy who was well-kept in hiding things. Other than that, I know nothing.

I was still deliberating with myself when he suddenly started a conversation with me, asking, "Eve, what's your family like?"

"Well, I can say that we're a happy and contented family. We always take care and understand each other. Why do you ask?" I asked, interested and curious of his topic.

He didn't answer my question but rather proceeded to another question. "What do you think about my family?"

That was a startling question. I answered as honestly as I could. "I think that you're a well-respected and highly mannered family. I think that even though the given circumstance in status, you still have this unbreakable bond with each other."

He just chuckled at my answer with a slight unreadable expression on his face. "That's what you see."

"What's wrong with it?"

"Nothing." he said, avoiding to answer my question.

My brows were already furrowed in confusion and worry. There's something he's hiding behind those questions.

"Eve, tell me honestly, what do you think of me?" he asked as he looked at me with eyes plaited with a swirl of unreadable emotions.

I was completely taken aback by his unanticipated question. I didn't know what to say, so I smiled and simply said, "Daniel, I don't really know that much about you; but despite that fact, I'm glad that I met you and that there might be a chance I can get to know you."

His expression changed once hearing my answer. He smiled a charmingly boyish smile that made my heart flutter. "I'm glad I met you too."


After lunch, we slowly rode back towards the manor. We just talked about random stuff on the way back. I surprisingly had fun like the many other times I had spent with him.

I toured him around the orchard and finished just before the sun had set. We took our time and walked our horses back towards the stables. We placed his horse in a stable and turned towards each other to say goodbye.

"Thank you, for showing me around town and the orchard even though I was being a jerk on forcing you to say yes." he said with a smile of gratitude.

"It's okay. I had fun anyway." I said in all honesty. "Bye."

I was about to turn around and hop on Orion's back when he suddenly took hold of my wrist and made me turn back.

"Eve," he trailed off. He ducked his head to kiss my hand and sent shivers throughout my whole body before continued saying, "See you tomorrow."

He then walked away from me with his signature smirk on his face. I was still processing what just happened a few moments ago. I knew that he had that smirk upon seeing my face flush red. I held my hand which he just kissed and clutched it above my chest.

'Why does he always make me remarkably fazed and abashed like this? That guy is unbelievably full of surprises.' I thought to myself.

I made my way and saddled on Orion's back. It was only the start of my summer but I have a certain feeling that I will be facing more confusing and surprising matters in the future.


"I'm home and I brought pie!" I called out as I opened the front door.

But when I was already inside, my parents were already at the dinner table waiting for me with gravely serious faces. It got me worried and scared.

"What's wrong?" I nervously asked.

They shared a look and after my father nodded, my mother spoke with a stoic expression yet with a faltering voice, "Evelyn, we need to talk."



Hahahaha! Hey guyz!

How r u? How was the story so far?

I will make it a bit more interesting than that okay?

SPOILER: People won't like seeing them together (but you already know the cliché).

hahaha xD Just keep on Updating!




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