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I move my leg to feel a pool of water , wait what? Shit! I say " babe! Get up it's happening!." Violet stirs but her eyes widen at her broken water , I run out of bed grabbing the hospital bag we packed together .

The guys come rushing in as Violet starts to scream , scooping her up I rush to the car . Michael follows behind with the car seats and hospital bag getting in the back .

Once starting the car we rush off to the hospital , despite Violet's screams I grab her hand reassuring her things are fine . Michael yells for me to hurry up and I try to .

Violet's hand almost crushes mine but I don't care , grabbing a wheel chair we go into the hospital . She screams and groans as the pain gets worse by the second , I yell for doctors to help .

Helping her onto the hospital bed , the doctor rushes to see how far the baby's head is at the moment . She sighs says " Vi it's time " Violet shakes her head scared , I grab her hand leaning on the bed as her support .

I whisper " hey it's okay you can do this we'll have two beautiful babies by the end " Violet nods biting her lip to keep her from screaming more .

The doctor gets ready with a nurse at her side , the guys stand out looking into the room but I mouth for them to not to . Violet needs me not distractions from outside the room .

Her eyes look up at me , tears rising in them I wipe them away kissing her forehead . Violet cries into me , saying how it hurts but I keep kissing her telling her it's okay .

A scream escapes her mouth , whilst her hand grip tightens around mine . I can tell she's scared but she'll be okay after this .

Eventually the first baby is out , which is a girl she cries and screams as loud as she can . I smile kissing Violet's head whisper " look a baby girl " she cries from happiness .

Rubbing her back , I grab Violet's hand knowing another baby is coming yet . Tears rise in my eyes , the nurse cleans off the baby whilst the doctor tells us when the other one is coming .

Another scream escapes Violet , with muffles of cries in the middle but I support her every minute . Another baby comes out but there's no crying , making me and her look at each other .

I yell " why isn't he crying?!" The nurse rushes off with the baby , whilst I run out to follow but the guys tell me to go back to Violet . Going back into the room , Violet is sobbing into a pillow .

Rushing towards her I wrap my arms around Violet , whisper " hey it's going to be okay I promise ." She nods cutting off into crying , Violet is just as scared as I am but I hold her through it all .

Our baby girl yawns alittle , going up to the doctor I take her into my arms smiling . Violet sits up asks " can I hold her?" I nod , placing our baby in her arms .

She smiles whilst wiping her tears whispers " hi baby girl mummy loves you no matter what happens next remember that ." I smile pressing my lips to Violet's forehead , being careful of the baby .

Michael comes in with the guys , they all be quiet cause of the baby but smile big at us . Calum whispers " she's so cute " taking a seat next to the bed , Michael stands next to me whilst Ashton stands near Calum .

Violet whispers " wanna hold her Ash?" He nods smiling , his arms slip around her tiny body . Tears rise in his eyes , he whispers " she is more then cute " I chuckle whisper " aw ash ."

Michael slips his arms around our baby girl , taking her into his arms and smiling big . He whispers " welcome to the family ."

This couldn't get any better .

It's hours later and still nothing about my baby boy . I start to worry but I'm so tired my eyes drift shut almost .

The guys sit around the room , half asleep but like me waiting for news on the baby boy . Taking a deep breath , I try to relax whilst Luke sits holding our baby girl in his arms for hours on end .

He doesn't want to ever seem to let go of her now she's been born , I ask " what are we gonna name her?." Luke looks up at me says " lily " my eyes widen at the mention of my mums name .

He says " lily may hemmings " I smile with tears rising in my eyes , in memory of my mum . I ask " what about our baby boy?" Luke says " that's up to you babe " smiling at me .

Hunter? No , Carter? Carter Hemmings? I ask " Carter Hemmings? " he smiles nodding agreeing with me .

Carter and lily , it sounds so cute . Brother and sister . Taking a deep breath , I notice the doctor walk in except without our baby boy .

Luke hands Lily to the nurse , the doctor sighs says " I'm so sorry Vi I know how much you wanted twins but he uh ...he didn't make it ." Tears rise my eyes , for a spilt second everything was okay and it's crushed in a second .

A tear drops down my cheek but I don't bother wiping it , it hurts so bad . Luke sits on the bed wrapping his arms around me , instantly I cry into his chest .

I'll never get to see my baby boy grow up or see his first walking or hear his first words . But I still have Lily and I'm grateful I still do .

The guys come up to us , wrapping their arms around us all giving us a group hug . I smile alittle , Michael says " is that a smile I see? " I hide in Luke's chest .

He chuckles kissing my head , I sigh whisper " thank you " Luke nods smiling a little whilst wiping my tears . Eventually we all get very sleepy , so I end up snuggling into Luke in the hospital bed even tho I'm not supposed to .

All I need right now is family .

Writers note : the end is happening soon but there's a sequel so don't get too upset or annoyed with me cause there will be one pinkie promising that one .

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Aestheticblurryface xx

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