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( I should be good at this since I'm a awkward person <3 )

Luke POV
I wake up next to Violet , she moves closer to me snuggling her face into my chest . Making chuckle at the sight of her , my phone reads ' 7 am ' I let out a groan .

Knowing now I'm going to have to wake her up by leaving to get ready for school . I whisper " Vi as much as I love this we need to get ready for school " she moans shaking her head .

I sigh moving her off my chest , replacing it with a pillow going into the kitchen . Coffee now fills the kitchen , I walk in to notice Violet is awake half asleep .

She smiles whispers " thanks " taking sips of the coffee , whilst taking in the warmth around her hands . Violet gets up going to her room to change and to get her bag .

Once she's ready , I get up grabbing fruit from the side to eat on the way to mine . I rush into the house , changing my clothes and brushing my hair not caring .

We arrive at school , stares and glances are made towards us because of the way we look . Violet has her hair in a messy bun with lazy clothes , my hair is a mess .

Me and Vi look like we are on hangover right now , let the rumours begin . People stare , start whispering but I decide to not care following her into school .

" I wonder if they fucked "
" are they dating now?"
This carries on through the corridor until they notice me glaring at them . Quiet spreads soon .

People stand staring at us , not talking to their friends just watching me and Vi . I grab her hand , noticing how her hands are shaking from her anxiety .

Once we reach class , I sit in my seat next to hers still holding her hand . This is gonna be a long day .

Violet POV
It's now lunch , with one lesson left to go of this day . Ever since me and Luke showed up in the same car , rumours spread like fire around the school .

I sit at my usual table , noticing how everyone stopped what they were doing staring straight at me . As if I did something wrong , when I haven't .

Luke sits next to me mutters " why can't everyone mind their own fucking business?" I shrug feeling uncomfortable with the stares .

He notices the stares aimed at us now , Luke yells " stop fucking staring!" Losing his patience . I say " Luke it's fine just calm down please " he shakes his head leaving the table .

I wonder what was said to him , for him to act that way usually he's calm as anything or shy . Maybe it's me , maybe people are staring etc because the ' freak ' is finally not a loner .

After a couple minutes I decide to leave , the anxiety gets too much . I hate full attention being on me , especially like that .

Luke notices me leaving the hall , he walks up to me pulling my body close to his . His face buries into my neck , letting out a sigh wrapping his arms around me .

He says " sorry " letting go of me , walking away . That was the last of when I saw him , he wasn't in last lesson .

I start to get worried as Luke doesn't answer his phone and his car is now gone . Rubbing it off I walk back to my apartment , waiting for a call or text .

Writer's note : so il probably update another chapter for this book tonight and update Gone . I would like it if you commented whether you want me to re do the other book which is deleted or just stick with the other two books .
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