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Luke Pov
Me and the guys have finished tour now , we aren't far from home . Michael lays asleep in the car , Violet is sat with me in the front of the car .

She looks really tired , I quickly kiss her cheek focusing on the road again driving us home . Calum and Ashton took the other car we now have after getting our driving license .

My mum stands outside our house , her face lightens up when she sees me and Violet . She waves I pull into the drive way getting out to help Vi get out of the car too .

Grabbing Violet's back pack , I notice how mum runs to her wrapping her arms around Vi . She smiles says " thank god your okay! I heard about the concert incident!."

I pout ask " where's my hug?" My mum chuckles walks over to me wrapping her arms around me . Violet smiles at us , I notice how the smile fades when she thinks about something .

Letting it go i focus on my mum , she asks a bunch of questions about tour and if Violet had fun etc . Violet curls up onto the sofa , I grab her pills giving them to her with a drink .

She pouts says " I'm tired " I say " I know and I hate giving you this but just try okay? You need to take them right about now ."

Violet huffs with tears rising in her eyes , I sit next to her say " imagine food right now and swallow them ." She sighs trying to swallow the pills , a tear drops down her cheek .

With my thumb I wipe away Violet's tear , kissing her forehead say " you can sleep now I'll get the blanket and penguin ." My mum sits with her , rubbing her back whispering something to Violet .

A small smile appears on her lips , I smile myself knowing she's okay now . Maybe .

When I come back Violet is fast asleep against the sofa arm , putting the blanket over her . She grabs my arm pulling it close to her , I chuckle passing Violet the penguin .

My mum whispers " doesn't she look cute " I smile nodding , then get up letting Michael into the house . He smiles cooing at Violet , who's fast asleep .

*few hours later*

Violet Pov
I walk into the bathroom brushing my teeth , noticing Luke doing the same now . He smiles at me , I raise an eyebrow in question .

I'm now quite paled skinned , sometimes I look like crap and he still loves me for it . Strikes to me as odd as why Luke does love me like he does .

Tears rise in my eyes but I shut the door locking it , I take another look at myself . I'm so weak .

My legs become weak underneath me , so I drop to the floor and crawl into a ball crying . I hear the door handle move , but someone unlocks it some how .

Warm arms wrap tight around me straight away , I look up to see Luke there . He rubs my back asks " what happened? You okay?" I let out a sob as an answer .

There's pain spreading in his eyes , tears eventually rise . Luke rubs my back even more whispers " you will always be beautiful to me no matter what happens to your body no matter the scar I'll always love you the same ."

I nod tears escape down his cheeks , with my thumb I wipe them away kissing him on the lips . Luke pulls me closer as if he can , cupping my face in his hands .

His arm goes under my legs lifting me up , I wrap my arms around his neck leaning against him . Luke looks like he's gonna cry more , I take his hand as he sits me down pulling him close .

His eyes meet with mine , I whisper " it's okay I'm not leaving " Luke shakes his head . He breaks down into tears , I pull him close whispering " I'm not going anywhere I'm always gonna be here ."

My arms wrap around him , he cries into my collar bone . Rubbing his back I kiss his cheek whisper " it's okay I'm not leaving promise ."

Luke cries until I think he's asleep , soft snores come from him . I don't wanna move but I have to or else I won't sleep like this .

Moving Luke into the covers , I slide in next to him he turns wrapping his arms around me .

Sighing I let the sleep over take me .

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