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Luke pov
I get into Violet's apartment running straight to her bedroom , she raises an eyebrow at my excitement . Vi asks " you ate too much sugar again?" I say " nope! Even better!."

She chuckles asks " what's going on?" I sit on her bed say " we got signed! And are going on tour.!!" Her eyes light up with excitement she says " seriously?! That's amazing!" Kissing my cheek .

I smile her face drops abit , she asks " what about us?" tackling her to the bed I say " your coming too ." Violet laughs says " okay calm down!" I chuckle say " nope never!" Kissing her cheek .

Her hands lace mine I shiver at our touch , she's cold . I say " how come your cold?" Violet says " couldn't pay the bills ."

Getting off Violet I run to the kitchen , she shouts " what are you doing?!" I shout " making you a drink your not sitting freezing!."

Grabbing two cups I fill the cup with hot water adding hot chocolate mixing it together with a spoon . Arms wrap around me , a face pressed against my back .

I say " I've got hot chocolate you gonna let go?" She says " mmm " stealing the warmth from me . Pouting I let go of her , handing Vi her cup of hot chocolate .

I notice her cheeks are blushed pink like her nose , grabbing my beanie I pull it on to her head kissing her nose . Violet smiles hiding her face in my chest , I kiss her head whisper " warmer now??."

She shakes her head , I get up from the sofa grabbing a blanket wrapping it around her shoulders . Violet looks up at me kissing my cheek , chills spread over me . She's so cold .

I wrap my arms around Violet , she leans against my chest kissing it . A chuckle escapes me , she smiles cuddling into me.

Violet Pov
I can feel the warmth from the cup of hot chocolate , but I'm still cold it's getting worse though . Luke says " Vi don't go sleep okay?" Scooping me into his arms .

I nod putting down my cup , he carries me to the car putting the seat belt on for me . Luke grabs my hand , the fever starts to get worse till the point my lips start to get blue .

He kisses my hand says " stay awake " my eyes want to shut close but I keep them wide open . We arrive at the hospital , the guys stand at the entrance waiting for us .

Luke scoops me into his arms again , he runs into the hospital ward ignoring everyone past us . The nurse and doctor rush forward towards me , grabbing a wheel chair .

I sit down in the wheel chair , Luke says " it'll be okay I'll be there soon promise." The doctor takes me into the room , the nurse helps me onto the bed .

They put wires into my arms , the doctor asks " miss was there any heating on at home?." I shake my head say " I couldn't pay the bills but ive been ill for a few days ."

He nods says " okay well we are gonna do some tests and your friends are allowed in here ." I nod ask " could you tell them to come down here?" the nurse says " I'll ask ."

They leave the room , my lips still are blue I still feel the coldness but I know I'll be okay well I hope so . Luke comes in the room with the guys , Michael says " there's my best friend! ."

I smile a little say " hey " he says " soo what did you do to end up here?." Luke says " she got sick " Calum says " that's a bummer ."

Luke grabs my hand , he sits on the bed next to me waiting for the doctor to come back . I ask " can i sleep now?" he shakes his head says " in a minute ."

The doctor comes back says " we might wanna start the tests now " I sigh nodding . The guys stay in the room the whole time .

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