Fourteenth Thread

Start from the beginning

"I'm going to have to ask the two of you to move your presence from between me and target to behind me," Ren muses as she's dividing meat into rather small pieces. She throws first one, and Tora jumps high, effortlessly catching the piece with a snap of jaws. Jaws that gave small, yet pretty ugly gash on Hibiki's forearm that Hana was currently in process of healing. In was slow and quite sloppy, but she needed practice, and that was better than anything for her, really.

Ren, with a grunt, switches her sitting position to cross-legged and looks at the cat again. Tora was licking its mouth and eyeing her with curiosity right now. Success – as this was not a feral stray, but feral, spoiled pet of fat aristocrat. She threw another piece of chicken, and another, and then stopped. Tora actually had the cheek to look betrayed.

"Sorry, kitty, but you gotta' move your fat, furry ass over here if you want more," Ren says with a smile, reaching with her hand – chicken between her fingers. Tora seems to contemplate it for a while, but then slowly and cautiously stalks forward, sniffling, glancing at Hibiki and Hana in passing. The duo, however, seemingly have just given it up, sat behind Ren and watched. Tora snaps at the meat, and only ninja-induced reflexes are what keeps Ren's fingers intact. Uchiha glares at the cat, cat glares right back, its fur bristling-

And Ren growls. Actually growls - throaty, deep sound effectively stupefying the cat. Apparently, it was beyond Tora that someone might just strike back.

"You can expect me being nice only, if you are nice," Uchiha addresses the cat sternly, eyes narrowed. "You bite me, and you're going to regret it."

Tora seemed to consider the words, before it (seriously, was it a girl or a boy?) slowly approached again. Curious, s Ren had nothing in her hands and the box laid securely locked next to her. But then, Tora sat right before her and yowled. Loudly.

"What?" Ren asks, quirking her eyebrow, and Tora yowls again. "Come on, we'll take you to your mommy, okay?" she says, opening her arms. Much to Hana's startled gasp and Hibiki's astonishment (god damn Uchiha, the only one unscratched!), Tora jumps onto Ren's lap.

Maybe, just maybe, this mission won't end in disaster.  

It does.

Because Hana's dogs decided it would be fun to try and commit vengeful act when Tora was not a raging hellcat atrocious monstrosity from the depths of hell anymore. And that, in short words, is how Hana's dogs were grounded by very angry Uchiha, sporting three ugly, if shallow, gashes on her cheek. They wouldn't even think to scar, yes, but currently they bled quite hard and stung painfully.

Not to mention it took bleeding, hurting and very, very angry Ren about an hour to calm down and restrain herself from roaring her lungs out at ninken, and another two hours to coax frightened Tora off the tree. And that was how they greeted the daimyo's wife; confused Hibiki, embarrassed Hana sill sending glares at her dogs, and Ren, with a giant albino spider on top of her head, leaves in her hair, quite bloodied left cheek and armful of quite content cat.

"Tora is a big, growing cat," she says, narrowing her eyes, as she hands the cat to the woman. Aristocrat or not, she is fucking supposed to know how to care for her 'beloved' pet. "And, under any circumstance, cannot be kept idle, or forced to do so."

"And who are you to teach me that?" plump woman scoffs with a disdain.

"The only person this cat seems to tolerate," Ren shrugs, as Tora yowls, loudly, and bites woman's finger. "Cat is not a toy. You have one, do everyone a favor and take damn responsibility. Cya'!"

And she waltzes out.  

"That was idiotic," Shibi admits later, as he supervises the trio as they sweep the park clean from all rubbish and fallen branches. "But true. However, you shouldn't speak that way to people better than yo-"

Knitting Fate (Canon Patchworking with Uchiha Ren Part II)Where stories live. Discover now