24.After Story; Valentines Day Special<3

Start from the beginning

"See you later my love." He lets go and grabs his briefcase.

"Bye bye honey..." I wave goodbye to him sadly as he makes his way out the large gray double doors.

He gets into his limo and drives off, I close the doors. I walk over into the hall where the children are and play with them for a while.

Afterwards I feed them lunch and put them for a nap. A short while after three Tomoe comes back with his old nanny to look after the kids.

"Oh, before we leave... Happy Valentine's Day!" He brings out a huge bouquet of roses and serval boxes of chocolate "We'll put the flowers in the garden and eat the chocolates."

"Awe Tomoe.." I blush and take the flowers, giving them a sniff.

The nanny goes upstairs to the kids as Tomoe takes me outside. We both walk over to the old garden shrine he have had delivered to the mansion.

"Brings back memories doesn't it..." He takes the flowers and kneels down to plant them in the ground in front of the shrine.

"It does." I kneel down with him to help "It brings back so many wonderful memories of us... Two immature, overly passionate teenagers who fell in love."

"What's that supposed to mean." He smirks "The overly passionate part?"

"Means we were always so touchy touchy." I say playfully.

"You never said you didn't like it." He leans in.

"That's true." I get up, causing him to fall in the dirt "But Tomoe, I do need a little space sometimes... I can't have you always saying and doing naughty things." I giggle.

He gets up from the dirt and brushes off "Your cruel." He hisses "But you can't expect me not to do anything especially when you were always wearing skirts and short nightgowns like right now!"

"I know." I kiss his nose lightly "now let's get going on our date."

"Alright fine." He smiles.

I walk inside and Tomoe follows behind me. I walk up all the stairs and into our bedroom. I go into the huge walk in closet and Tomoe follows in, closing the closet door shut behind him. He sits down on a big round red chair that's all puffy like pillows.

"What to wear what to wear." I looks back at him and smirk looking back at the clothes "Maybe a short dress...?"

"Oh come on Nanami! Your doing this on purpose!!" He pouts.

"Maybe~!" I grab a skin tight short black dress that looks really good on me and wave to in front of Tomoe "Should I wear this one?" I blush.

"T-that's the shortest one you have!!" He blushes as I start to take off my nightgown "But I like that..." he stares as I sit on his lap, my legs wrapped around his waist.

"Do you~? Do you like it when I touch you like this then...?" I put my hand inside his pants and down to his excited member, sliding my index finger from the ends to the beginning.

"Y-yeah..." he groans deeply "Your just asking to have another one of my children..."

"Well..." I kiss him on the cheek and pull off of him "You'll have to wait till tonight." I tease.

My High-School Crush {Nanami X Tomoe Fan-Fic}Where stories live. Discover now