16. Mothers are the best

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As I walk back upstairs, my eyes are wet with tears.

I want to call mom but I know I would cry hearing her voice, I want to call Farhan bhai but I know he is busy practising, besides he would totally get into a fight with aapi because of me if he came to know, I want to call Asher bhai but I know he would recognize something being different about me in an instant.

A little while ago, I was so happy and giddy due to Virat and look at me now.


I should call him.

He's my friend.

Atleast I'd feel better.

So I did exactly that. I called him and it rang so many times before I finally heard someone pick it up.

"Hello?" A girl picks up the call. Oh..

"Hi. Can I talk to Virat?" I ask politely not knowing who the girl really was. Not that I cared.

"Who are you?" She snaps in a completely disrespectful way that made my blood boil.

"Can I talk to Virat please?" I try again, more politely this time.

"Who the hell are you?" That girl questions me again, rudely.

"As far as I'm concerned this is Virat's phone, I'm not obliged to tell you who I am." I respond, my voice is firm.

I hear her gasp on the other end.

"As far as I'm concerned, I'm his girlfriend so you better tell me who you are." She says rudely once again as if she is mocking me.

I was left shocked.

Girlfriend? But he broke up with his girlfriend? How can it happen? He would have told me right?

And why would a girl pick up his phone? At this time of the night? Is she one of his one night stands?

Is that it?

Why do I care?

Because you like him, you idiot.

No, I don't. I'm just attracted to his face, his personality, his tattoos, his smile, his eye-

Yeah, I definitely like him.

That might be the reason why, this makes me so angry..

"Okay well, tell Virat to call the girl he spent a day in Dubai with." I end the call.

Petty. I know. But she had it coming.

I was left more frustrated and angry. So much that I could cry.

Before I do that, I open my drawers to find something to eat. I find nothing.


So I wander back downstairs, it's quiet and I know my sister has gone out with her family.

I can't cook, and I can't eat junk food. Not at this moment. I can't wait for the delivery. I just want to eat.

So I open the fridge and take out some  bread, and an egg. I break the egg and put it into the bowl, after finding a fork, I start to mash it. I add a little salt and red chilli and that is all I know.

What else to add?

My eyes are stinging again, I don't know anything.

I call my mom.

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