Operation Seduce | kuroo x reader

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i feel like an asshole for not updating for so long

i feel like an idiot for accidentally deleting two of my oneshots *cries


"(f/n)-chaaan." Kuroo drawled, flashing you his puppy eyes. You ignored him and looked out the window, crossing your arms below your chest.

He furrowed his brows and whined. "C'mon, (f/n)-chan, you can't stay mad at me forever!"

You rolled your eyes, still looking outside the window. Kuroo was in front of you, sitting on his chair backwards so that he was facing you. His elbows were laid low on the top of the headrest as his chin rested on top of it. His eyes were fixed on you completely.

"(f/n)-chan, c'moooon." He begged; you ignored him. He scooted his chair closer to your desk and since he had long ass legs, he found a way to kick yours. You turned to him, a scowl plastered on your face as you let out a low growl.

"You're such a sissy bitch, Kuroo. I don't even know why I'm friends with you."

His lips curled. "Maybe because you secretly think I'm attractive?"

You snorted. "You look like my ass."

"So you're saying I look great?" He simpered.

"Shut up." You raised a threatening finger. "Now go away. I'm still not talking to you."

He quirked a brow. "You're talking to me right now."

You shot him a warning look, then looked out the window with an angry expression on your face.

"You can't be like this forever!" He whined in a low voice. You turned your head to the other side, where Kenma was sitting and playing his games like the usual.

"Hey, Kozume. Exchange seats with me?" You smiled at him, your irritated demeanor fading away in a second.

Kenma paused his game and looked at you with a questioning look. "Kenma, don't listen to her." Kuroo demanded, a hint of pleading mixed in his tone. Kenma then averted his gaze to him, confusion now written all over his face. You snarled at the captain.

"Exchange seats with me, Kenma. I'll buy you whatever game you want." You bribed. Kenma stood up from his seat before Kuroo stopped him.

"I'll buy you two games!" He said and Kenma immediately sat back down on his chair.

You clicked your tongue, "I'll buy you five."

Kenma stood up.

"I'll buy you seven." Kuroo added.

Kenma sat down.

"I'll buy you twelve." You said, glaring at Kuroo. Kenma turned to Kuroo to see what he had to offer, but he stayed silent. Kenma stood up and walked over to you and your eyes brightened. You turned to Kuroo and stuck your tongue out, a look of triumph evident in your feautures. You stood up as well, exchanging seats with Kenma. The captain heaved a sigh as you once again ignored him.

Kenma sat down on the chair, shuffling a bit before finally adjusting. His finger hovered over the button before he paused, lifting his head up.

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