Hugs | oikawa x reader

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hugs; oikawa x reader


You looked behind you, your eyes widening slightly at your childish 'best friend' running towards you at the speed of a cheetah. "Fuck. Oikawa, please don't—" you were suddenly tackled down to the ground with great force. You groaned in pain as you tried to pry off the male on top of you, currently hugging you sweetly.

You noticed everyone staring at the both of you in the hallway and  I can tell you that most were glaring at you with pure raging anger and hatred. Some were fuming and were ready to strangle you with all their might, but didn't. They knew Oikawa would get angry and flip a building off America if anyone even attempted to hurt his precious, little (name).

"Get off of me, Oinkykawa." You insulted harshly, attempting to push him off you. His face was attached to the crook of your neck, inhaling your sweet scent that seem to drive him crazy. You sighed, you needed to this the hard way.

"Oikawa, get off." You deadpanned. He shook his head, still hugging you tightly, shaking you from side to side. You knew Oikawa loved to hug you; he had this some sort of fetish that you found cute but annoying at the same time. He hugged you every single time and it was driving you insane to the point that you just smack him in the face with a book.

"Or," you said slowly, causing the setter to raise a brow at you childishly. "Or?"

You smirked slightly, "You won't get a kiss."

Faster than a second, he rose to his feet, standing straightly like a soldier in military training. You chuckled quietly to yourself as you got yourself from the ground as well.

"Now, give me a kiss! On the Lips!" He puckered out his lips while batting his eyelashes girlishly at you, clasping his hands together like a little schoolgirl. You sighed, leaning close to his lips. As soon as your lips were inches from his, he giggled like a little school girl.

"Please, (name)-kun!" He blushed. You leaned closer, him expecting a sweet kiss from his 'sweet' best friend.

You smacked him square in the face as you quickly retreated. "Sike bitch, you thought!" You laughed hysterically and pointed at him, howling and dancing like a hooligan, leaving the male with gasping lips. He realized what you did and pouted like a lost puppy.

"So mean!" He whined, fake tears coming out of his eyes animatedly. You boisterously laughed, waving at him goodbye.

Umm wat. Omg im so used to long fanfics like ones in my knb that it makes me happy tHAT I ACTUALLY MADE A SHORT STORY OMG

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