[ RQ ] The Boy in a Skirt | oikawa x reader

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The Boy In a Skirt | oikawa x reader

Requested by : LaserBeamsOnLions

im trying so hard not to curse in every sentence in this one for the sake of it
- my senpai is a boy in a skirt soooooo

Aobajousai used to be well-known all girls school until the school principal thought it was better to allow boys to barge in and ruin the lives of every single girl in the campus. It was clearly irritating in your point of view. But a lot of girls in the school didn't fall for the boys' charms, considering the fact that 4/5 of the girl population swooned over girls while the other 1/5 either swooned over the boys or didn't even swoon over anything at all.

You were (Name) (Surname), the athletic third-year that students from all departments fall in love with. You were part of the soccer team, the football team, baseball, volleyball, and you have not — not even once — fainted because of exhaustion. Why? Because you had the power range of a fucking factory. You were a boy in a skirt — according to other people. Because yeah, girls in japan wear skirts to school and plus you acted like a man whenever you play sports.

"Yuko, over here!" You called as you watched your fellow teammate having a hard time scoring. She caught your gaze and looked at you as if saying : you better score this shit. She immediately kicked the ball towards your direction, hoping you could score in her behalf. You got the ball and quickly ran towards the goal, dodging the enemies with complete ease because you were a boss ass bitch.

As soon as you arrived near, you focused on the net behind the goalkeeper as she watched you with a keen expression. You puffed out some air and kicked that motherfucker so hard with zero mercy that it almost blasted the goalpost. Yeah, you were that strong.

A chorus of cheers and screams reached your ears as you scored the last point. "(F/N)-senpai!" Girls squealed loudly in unison. Although it was only a practice match between a rivaling school, students wanted to see the game mostly because you were there. You glanced at their direction and they instantaneously screamed noisily. You winced at the sound and hurriedly turned away. 'Man, these girls are craycray'

You were about to head towards the rest of your team when you heard a loud cheer from above. "Yehey! Go (f/n)-chan!" The voice squealed in a high-pitched voice and it seemed to be louder than the girls cheering for you combined. The girls looked up, throwing nasty glares at said guy and turned back to cheer even louder.

When you looked up to find the source, shielding your eyes from the heat of the sun, you saw a certain flamboyant with a blue bandana wrapped around his forehead, screaming at the top of his lungs whilst holding a large motherfucking banner that spelled out:

'Go, (F/N)-chan!<3'

He caught your eye and gave you a large toothy grin, turning away and got away from sight. You guess that he was heading downstairs to go and celebrate with you or something. You laughed quietly to yourself.

Oikawa Tooru, your best bud ever since you guys were still in diapers. When he heard that Aobajousai was accepting guys, he literally leaped with joy and immediately transferred. You, of course, were quite glad that he was going to be spending time with you. He was as clingy as a baby koala and he did not at all understand that you had other priorities and responsibilities to attend to. But he was good company despite his swarm of fangirls that stalk him 24/7. But the number of fans he had cannot defeat yours.

"Looks like your admirer came to cheer on you." Your friend, Yuko, said in a teasing voice, draping her arm over your shoulder. You did not blush or do anything because obv that was fucking girly.

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