Storage Room Disaster | nishinoya x reader

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i want to delete this one shot so bad but a lot of u seem to like it so...

storage room disaster ; nishinoya x reader

You strolled through the hallways of Karasuno, holding your books tightly with your bag slung over your shoulder. You heaved a sigh as you stared at your locker, your eyes almost closing unconsciously. You unlocked it with your wobbly hand, the small door swinging to the side, revealing all your personal things. You threw the books inside without any care, I mean, who could blame you? Highschool life is tiring and organization isn't really your main focus right now.

"Chihaaara-san!" Your face contorted as you closed your locker.

You were getting tired of that name — Chihara Yukine. She was a famous girl in school. She was really pretty and was the perfect girl; everyone admired her. From her silky hair to her luscious lips, from her cleavage to her feet, everyone loved her — well except for you. She had been a total bitch to you despite her pretty face. You didn't even do anything to her but be nice and kind, but that little twat just hates your very existence. Oh, did I mention why? You'll find out next.

"Chihara-san." A voice greeted from behind, tapping your shoulder lightly. You massaged your temples before turning around to see a certain short libero from the volleyball team, Nishinoya Yuu. As soon as you faced him, his eyes widened in suprise.

"Oh sorry! I thought you were Chihara-san, I mean, your hair looks exactly the same as hers and your back, it looks just—"

You silenced him. "I know. It's okay."

You smiled at the male, knowing that it wasn't his fault at all. Ah yes. You, my friend look exactly the same as Chihara Yukine when you're facing back. That's why she hates you. Well, you're lucky you only look like her when facing back and not at front. You hated that girl's face and it would be agony sharing the same face as her.

And you hated it especially when your crush, Nishinoya, mistakens you as her. Totally upsetting, honestly.

Nishinoya bowed, scratching the back of his neck. "Thank you, uhhh—"

"(Name)." You interrupted, quite sad that he had no idea what your name is.

He grinned, giving you a thumbs-up, "Thank you, (Name)-san!" He exclaimed before running away to who-knows-where — probably looking for that oh-so-called-pretty girl with a bad attitude, but honestly, you were getting sick of all these incidents where people mistaken you as 'The Chihara Yukine'. You wanted to be recognized as (Name) (Surname) and only that, not Chihara Bitchyne.


You strolled down the hallways as you heaved a sigh. You just got out of another Chihara incident and it was driving you insane — literally.

"Oh, it's ugly (Name)." You heard a voice sneer as you turned a corner. You looked up to see Chihara, the little runt you despise so much and her friends that were clearly prostitues.

You glared at her, scowling. "What do you want?" She laughed in her high-pitched voice with her friends laughing along too.

"I want you out." She smirked. You narrowed your eyes, "What exactly do you mean by—" you were grabbed by her two friends, making you unable to move.

You tried to punch them anywhere — or even kick them — but they got ahold of you. Time for plan B. You bit bitch #1's wrist and she winced in pain, letting you go.

"You little bitch." She gasped at you, attempting to slap you but you kicked her in the stomach; bitch #2 tried to smack you too, but you punched her with your free hand, causing her to fall to the ground, clutching her face.

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