You Are My Senpai | oikawa x reader

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you are my senpai | oikawa x reader

You walked out of your classroom with a tired expression plastered on your face, your books held close to you tightly. Your bag was hanging loosely on your shoulders, showing a sign that it was nearly falling off. Your eyebags were humungous and the chance of you fainting in the middle of the hallway was high — I mean, really high. You, my friend, are the student body president — you might not seem like it right now but I assure you that you are a freaky smarty pants that excels in every subject you can name. Everyone looked up to you ; you were reliable, funny and remarkably likable. You were a third year soon to graduate.

As you strolled down the hallways, you raised a brow at the sudden suspicion that you were being watched. You ignored the thought at first, but it grew stronger and stronger to the point that you couldn't take it anymore. You twisted your head to the side but saw no one, so you looked behind you and saw a weird sight that was completely priceless.

There, hiding behind a pole was a guy with chestnut hair and desperate brown orbs together with furrowed eyebrows. You were sure his name was Oikawa Tooru, a second year. You stared at the male for awhile with a strange look plastered on your face as he watched you from a distance. Upon meeting your gaze, he flinched and immediately turned red, quickly withdrawing out of your sight. You shook your head and heaved a sigh. It didn't really surprise you that much, I mean, you were used to this — the stalking, the unbreakable stares and everything.

You were safe to say that Oikawa Tooru was officially your number one stalker — yes, the charming prince of Seijoh was your number one fan. Although it was weird, it was quite amusing to think that the male had some sort of crush towards you.

"Ah, (Name)-san." The vice-president, Rei, greeted you with a handful of papers.

Your face scrunched up, knowing exactly what was going to happen next. "Here are the papers I want you to sign." He said kindly, handing you the papers but you pushed them away with a terrified look as he looked at you with pure confusion.

"No more.." You muttered under your breath, flashing him a teary expression. "(Name)-san, what exactly are you—"

"Please." You begged in a desperate tone, your eyes literally bulging out of their sockets as your hardened stare bored into his soul.

He cringed unnoticeably but immediately recovered, trying his hardest to look at you without getting freaked out.

"Uhh, as the vice-president, I will take your place in signing these umm— papers." He stammered unsurely, still quite weirded out with your intense gaze.

You looked at him for awhile before replying, "Thank you." You gave him a thankful look before walking away. You could hear Rei sighing in relief as you walked farther and farther away from him.

As you headed towards your locker, Oikawa was currently stalking you, much to your obliviousness. With a rose in hand, he was planning to do something with a high risk of getting caught and rejected but he didn't care because he thought his idea was good. (goddamit oikawa)

He hid beside the last locker, watching you as if you were his next prey. You were currently putting — throwing, rather — your books inside your locker. But due to the immense throwing, one of the books fell down in front of you. Oikawa heard you groan and immediately thought it was cute.

When you bent down, Oikawa's eyes widened. 'This is it'

He quickly ran as fast as he could towards your locker and threw the rose into it hastily. He grinned at his accomplishment but it soon faltered. Since he was SUPER CLOSE to you, he lost control of his limbs momentarily as he tripped on your foot when you stood up and he fell flat onto the floor completely.

Upon hearing the loud thud, you faced the source with a confused expression. When you saw Oikawa on the ground as he winced horribly with a painful look plastered on his face, your face twisted into a concerned expression. You knelt down, taking a look at his face. Oikawa shot one eye open to look at you, secretly squealing and fanboying in the inside but he held it in. You touched his face and caressed his cheek, making the male blush at your simple physical touch but you just thought it was because of the pain.

"I'm sorry." You apologized with a frown.

"I'm really sorry." You looked at him with guilt. Oikawa felt like his heart was going to explode and his dreams of having babies with you will finally take a step forward as you said those words.

But, he wasn't prepared of your next question. "How can I make it up to you?" Thoughts of dates, marriage and honeymoons made their way to Oikawa's brain like a train. Oikawa immediately stood up on his feet, facing you with a tint of red dancing on his cheeks. You stood up as well  as you faced his confident and desperate eyes.

" (N-Name)-senpai! " he started, "P-Please go on a date with me!" He asked, snatching the rose from your locker weirdly and handing it to you.

You couldn't utter out words as you tried to process what was going on right now. You weren't used to this dating thing at all. So basically, you just stood there with Oikawa blushing in front of your face. You could see that his dignity was sinking lower and lower every passing second. Feeling sorry for the male, you replied unsurely.

"Umm, yeah, sure." You scratched the back of your neck awkwardly, breaking the eerie silence hovering the atmosphere.

Oikawa beamed at your answer, giving you a huge grin. "Really?! Yayy!" He exclaimed in a loud voice, engulfing you into a bear hug and rubbing his cheek against yours without hesitation.

You made a face and tried to pry the male off you — he was being too touchy for your own good.

"To—Tooru, please." You muttered under your breath, but that only made the male hug you tighter, his grin getting wider. "You called me by my first name! Ahhh!" He gasped loudly, shaking you from side to side. A light laugh escaped your lips at how adorable Oikawa was being. Gasping, Oikawa took your hands in his, giving you this assuring look.

"(Name)-senpai!" He said, much to your bewilderment. "I— I promise to be a good boyfriend!" He blatted out. You gave a him a puzzled look.

"Boyfriend?" You asked, uncertain. He nodded vigorously, "Yes! Boyfriend!" You raised a brow and let out an airy laugh.

"Yeah, boyfriend." You agreed.

And that was how your beautiful senpai-kouhai relationship with Oikawa began.

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