"I can throw perfectly fine!" I boast.

"Your the one who hit me in the head!" Chris exclaims.

"I want food! Stop arguing with me, agree that I can throw, and please go get me Chipotle!"

"Fine, only because I love you. You can throw and we'll go get Chipotle." I start to smile and he mirrors me.

Chris intertwines our hands and opens the car door for me.

"Wait, did you realize its New Years Eve?" I ask chuckling.

"Hmm," he checks his phone. "It is!" Chris says. Ryan knocks on the car window, Chris rolls the window down.

"Winchester movie party starts at 8pm!" Ryan chirps, he runs inside the house and leaves Chris and I flabbergasted. That was interesting.

"Pft! Let's go back inside and help them," Chris utters.

I mumble a few words under my breath, not cuss words!

"Shiitake mushrooms, fudge, beaches-"

"Your adorable," Chris comments.

I frown at him and run into the house, Chris and Athena trailing behind. I flop on the couch and so does Athena. She's not a little puppy any more.

Chris heads into the kitchen to help my brothers.

"Off the couch, Athena!" Luke bellows.

"No! She's cuddling with me and Bear Bear," I whine. Bear Bear is the life-sized bear that Chris gave to me. Athena nuzzled her head on my leg.

"Fine, clean the couch before the get together," Luke says reluctantly.

Chris plops down beside me on the couch.

"Come cuddle with me," Chris mumbles.

"No! I'm cuddling with Bear Bear and Athena," I protest.

"It hurts me that you'd rather cuddle with a bear instead of me," Chris says. He puts his hand over his heart.

"Oh well," I tease. I spin my ring around my finger and rest my head on Bear Bear's shoulder.

"I hate Teddy Bear!" Chris spats.

"Everybody loves Bear Bear!" I hiss.

"Oh whatever, Teddy Bear, Bear Bear, same difference!"

"How dare you! Everybody loves Bear Bear!" I yell.

"Nobody loves Bear Bear!"

"Don't hate the bear because he gets more attention then you," Colton says.

"Team everybody loves Bear Bear," Carter shouts from the kitchen.

"Team nobody loves Bear Bear!" Alex yells. When did he get here?

"Paartttyyy time!" Archer shouts.

Great, they're all here!

Don't you just love sarcasm?

I certainly do.

I lean my head on Bear Bear and I rest my feet on Chris.

"Not fair! Bear Bear gets head and I get feet," Chris complains.

"Bear Bear is cuter then you," I tease.

"Much cuter," Erin says. We laugh together as Chris frowns.

"If it makes you feel better, its a close race." Brooklyn says as she walks in with Bailey behind her.

"Nah, Bear Bear is winning in a landslide." I tease.

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