Part 15

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Chapter Text

The smell was absolutely delicious. The scent of cinnamon filled the apartment as Sam pulled the tree shaped cookies from the bake drawer. As soon as the smell reached him from where he'd been reclining on the couch, Dean leapt to his feet and raced into the kitchen. Sam looked smug as Dean was practically salivating over the food. The future man was secretly proud of his achievement, he'd never really understood cooking properly.

"You want one?" Sam asked. He reached for the metal tray they were sat on.

"Sam!" Dean cried, catching Sam's hand inches away from the just-out-of-the-Bake-Drawer tray.

"What?!" He asked in alarm.

"You're not seriously going to touch that!" The hunter exclaimed pointing at the metal.

Baffled, Sam pulled a face, "Of course I am. Why wouldn't I?"

"It's gunna be boiling hot!"

Squinting at Dean, the tall man frowned and leant his head like a puppy, "Why would it be hot?"

"Because it just got cooked?!"

There was a pause as Sam's brained sped at 100mph to figure out why they were struggling to understand each other,"... I've never explained a Bake Drawer to you before, have I?" A slight smirk was pulling at his lips.

"No, why?"

Without another word, Sam took the few steps over to the drawer and pulled it open. The tubes that cooked the food lined the drawer. By all explanations of physics, the inside of the drawer should be scolding hot. Sam merely placed his hand directly in the centre of the drawer, touching the tubes and everything. Dean automatically winced as his brain couldn't comprehend that Sam wasn't burning right now.

"How?... What?" The hunter stuttered.

"It doesn't get hot... At all. It's all magnets and HyperElectricity." Sam explained with a smile. Sam really did love being nerdy.

Rolling his eyes at his boyfriend, Dean hesitantly pulled a cookie from the cold tray. He still expected a burning sensation. Shoving it into his mouth he chewed enthusiastically before the taste truly settled on his tongue making the flavour turn revolting. He spat it out into the sink.

Sam watched him with a curious expression as he nibbled at his own cookie. They just tasted like normal to him. Perhaps it was a more acquired taste, more suited to those in the future.


"Sam?!" Dean called from where he'd been scrabbling around in Sam's jumper drawers.

Obediently, Sam turned up from where he'd been sat on the sofa relaxing. With two days until Christmas, he'd finished work for the holidays and was ready to just spend some time with Dean. Jessica had tried to get him to stay off all week but Sam still had deadlines to meet at work so had decided to go in a few days just to get some stuff done.

Without waiting for Sam to announce his arrival, Dean asked over his shoulder, "Christmas jumpers? Yes or no?"

If Dean was facing the right way, he would have seen Sam's face screw up almost comically in part confusion and part disgust," You mean... You actually have jumpers especially reserved for Christmas?"

"Yes." Dean answered. Obviously Sam wouldn't have a Christmas jumper that he could wear. The hunter stood and began to make his way into the living area before he stopped, turned to Sam and said, "They're great. You should invest in one."

Sam couldn't see how it'd be an investment but he didn't question his partner.


Tomorrow would be Christmas Eve but Sam couldn't sleep. Dean was being a dead weight on his arm, stopping the circulation but that wasn't why the man couldn't sleep. Usually, it was Dean's close presence that lulled him into unconsciousness but tonight, nothing seemed to be working.

The Future is NowDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora