Showers can be a dangerous place: Watch your step

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The voices pulled him from his deep slumber but that constant white noise accompanied them. One of them, Sam's, appeared to be whispering in the hope of quietening down the woman who sounded as though she had so much energy that it physically leaked into her voice.

"Come on then, Sam?" She encouraged, "Where is the person special enough to make Sam Wesson miss a day of work, eh?" She teased mercilessly. The grin could be heard in her voice.

Dean cracked one green eye open to see Sam desperately trying to block the door to stop the woman barging in. Even with his broad shoulders and Sasquatch height, he seemed to be struggling. Dean snapped his eyes shut instantly and decided to feign sleep in the hopes of discovering something new. It wasn't eavesdropping... Probably.

"No, Jess." Sam scolded sternly but she bounded passed him and into the apartment easy, "Jessica!" He cried before realising that he was shouting so hushed his own voice.

A gasp came from inside the lounge so Sam hurried to catch up with the woman. Jess was standing frozen from where she could see Dean asleep amongst the tangle of blankets. Her finely formed eyebrows were raised and jaw dropped, a scandalous look was plastered upon her features.

"Sam!" She hissed and bounced on her heels, "Who is this?!" Her excitement was overflowing.

"Umm, this is Dean." Sam ran his long fingers through his long hair. His hazel eyes scanned Jess' body language and face to ensure that she didn't react negatively.

"Sam!" She cried.

Realising that Sam was trying to quiet her, she pulled on his arm and led him through to the open kitchen so they could talk with a slight more privacy. She leant close to him and didn't release his arm from her vice grip.

Straining, Dean could just about make out the conversation. He knew that he'd have to fake wake up soon though.

"How long has this been going on?" She whispered.

Sam sounded awkward, "He's been here for almost two weeks."

"So what? You're in a relationship or just sleeping tonight?" Upon Sam's ferocious blush she realised that she was getting close to the truth, "What you have just slept together?"

Sam jumped to correct her. He also managed to worm his arm out of her grip, "No, I haven't!"

"But you want to." Upon seeing the blush remain on his cheeks, she knew that it was right and she clapped her hands excitedly, "Although, I can't imagine you having sex in your own bed... You'd worry about the mess." Thoughtful, she commented.

"Jess! Can we not talk about that!?" He was often appalled by her blatant sexuality but he wouldn't want her any different. She made his working days enjoyable.

"Fine, fine... But why haven't you made a move yet?" She questioned.

Sam shifted uncomfortably. He couldn't tell her that Dean would go back in time any second so had to lie, "I can't... He's leaving soon and anyway, he's sick." He argued.

"Please! You obviously want this man so why don't you just allow yourself that, hm?" Her arms remained stuck on her hips as she leant against the countertop with the casualness of friend that know each other well.

"I've never... I don't know..."

"You're still scared about that?! I told you, your body will tell you what is good for you." She shrugged and began to open his cupboards in search of something. She pulled out a can moments later, her savage was successful. Sam had brought them for Dean but he'd allow her one, "I know you wanted a relationship or whatever but a work schedule like yours doesn't allow for mingling at bars."

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