Awkward conversations with practical strangers

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A knock on the door pulled Dean from his peaceful slumber. The constant buzz of electricity instantly reentered his senses to plague him for another day. Heat shrouded him but in the best way possible. The duvet was pulled up to just below his chin and he could feel arms wrapped around his torso comfortingly.

He peeped open a green eye to confirm his suspicions. Sam had his head leant against Dean's chest with his long arms wrapped around his torso. Dean's own arms were holding the sleeping man in place on his skin. His arms were also locked around the taller man's waist to keep them pressed together. Sam's breath was gently blowing against the hunter's heated skin as the man slept off his painkillers peacefully.

Crossing his fingers, Dean prayed that the visitor at the door would get the message and just leave. He kept Sam in his arms as he waited, in silence, to see what would happen. He really wanted to avoid answering the door to a stranger but he even more didn't want to have to wake Sam up.

He waited with baited breath. Another knock on the door echoed around the room but this time it was louder. Panicking as he feared that Sam would awake, Dean slipped out of the other man's arms and rushed over to the door. The sleeping man stirred but wasn't brought around to consciousness.

The hunter wrenched the door open with efficient speed to intimidate the visitor with a death stare. Do they know how close they were to waking up Sam?!

The woman behind the door jumped as it was pulled open. She blinked and seemed unprepared for this situation. Her eyes scanned Dean up and down more than once; He could practically feel her judging him. It was when her eyebrow shot up that he recalled that he'd settled into bed shirtless, just like Sam. He swallowed.

The blonde woman was probably around Sam's age with a large smile and a small mole which sat in between her eyebrow. She wore a light blouse with a tag hanging from around her neck. It read: Government Staff
Jessica Moore
Science and Technology Development Department

He stood awkwardly in the door waiting for the stranger to make the first move. She stayed assessing him for a moment more.

Suddenly, a smile stretched across her feminine features, "Dean, right?" Her hand stuck out towards him.

The hunter instantly recalled where he knew her voice from. She was the woman that Sam had been talking with the day before. Dean could all of a sudden see her in a new light as he remembered the conversation she'd had with Sam the previous day. She was the one that had tried to convince Sam to try and make a move on Dean.

Blankly, the hunter shook her hand as she practically buzzed in front of him. He desperately tried to recall her name. Dean had heard Sam say it several times yesterday but now... He went blank.

"I'm Jessica! Jessica Moore! Don't freak out," She giggled, "Sam has told me all about you! Speaking of which, where is that handsome devil?" She laughed as she pushed past Dean and strode into the large living space.

The man wanted to stop Jessica but he felt helpless against her. He had no choice but to simply follow her into the room like a lost lamb. He rushed closer upon hearing her gasping and watching the way her hand flew to cover her mouth.

Jessica was stood frozen in the entrance to the room with her eyes focused on the messy blankets that covered a only half clothed Sam. As ideas formed in her head, her lips pulled up to form a knowing smile. Her gaze shot back and forth between Sam, sleeping, and Dean standing beside her.

She hit his bicep in excitement, Dean didn't want to admit that it was actually kind of painful. He watched as she hopped around and silently threw her arms around.

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