Pain and discoveries

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The Winchester woke the next morning to find a folded piece of paper sat beside him on the pure white pillow. He picked it up with hands clumsy from sleep and noted how the paper felt slightly plasticy in comparison to what he'd grown up with. Typed words marked the paper making Dean wonder if pens even existed in this time. He squinted at the page as he waited for his sleepy eyes to adjust.

Dean, I was surprised that you were still here! I didn't wake you as you looked pretty content. It seemed pointless disrupting you to just tell you that I'm off to work. Hope to see you soon, Sam.

The note was short and concise but Dean couldn't help but find it incredibly endearing to know that Sam didn't want to disrupt him up. Despite that, he kind of wished that Sam had woken him up because at least then they'd be able to say goodbye in case he went back to Castiel and Bobby.

The short ending of "Hope to see you soon" tightened around Dean's heart as he found himself hoping that he really would see Sam again.

For Dean, the day passed rather quickly in comparison to the previous. He spent the majority of the day lying in his crumpled blankets while watching movies that were listed in the classic section despite being created centuries after Dean's time. He had to admit that he found the movies reassuring as there wasn't quite so much technology in them as there is now.

He was pleasantly surprised when the front door opened with a mechanical buzzing of the lock. Dean glanced up, not at all ashamed that he'd only bothered to move when he needed to pee and eat, as his suited host entered into the apartment. Dean when to speak when he heard that Sam was in a heated conversation with an invisible someone; Dean then remembered that the bracelet could be used to call people but he had no idea how Sam was listening to the person as their voice didn't come out of anywhere.

"Look, I'm sorry but I've been tied up over the last few days. Yeah, I left early... Well, it's about time as I do enough overtime for that place... What? No. I can't meet up... I'm busy. What are you implying? I'm often busy thank you very much! ... Outside of work? I do plenty of things... Like what?! I don't feel like I should have to answer this... HOW DARE YOU! Goodnight, Charpie." Dean sat in open mouthed awe as he watched a previously calm and collected Sam release his wrath.

He sat in shocked silence as Sam took deep and steadying breaths. The man had always seemed in control but now, he was seething. Dean couldn't help but wonder who could anger the man in such a way. Maybe a girlfriend since the man must have someone in his life, Dean pondered. Some unfamiliar emotion stirred within him. Jealousy?

Pinching the bridge of his nose, Sam released a heavy breath, opened his eyes and padded over to the fridge without a word to Dean. The hunter briefly wondered if Sam had even noticed him. He could hear, but not see, the Sasquatch sized man moving around the kitchen with purpose.

The familiar clicking of glasses dragged Dean's mind off to the night before the time travel when he'd had a whiskey with Bobby and Castiel. The memory caused a pang of longing in his chest; he was longing to be home and with his only family.

~~~ Memory ~~~

"How ya feelin', son?" Bobby laid out three glasses on top of his desk where papers were strewn with organised chaos. They clinked noisily as he set them down.

Dean perked his head up to peer at the older hunter, "About tomorrow?" Bobby nodded in conformation, "Nah, I'm fine. What could possibly go wrong?" He chuckled as the other hunter poured some hunter's helper into the three glasses.

"Actually, Dean," Castiel interjected from where he was stood awkwardly in the centre of the room,"There is quite a few things th-" The angel started.

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