Part 12

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Dean couldn't stop the excitement or even nervousness that thrummed through his body when he caught a glimpse of the old, withered woman from the day before. She wasn't alone this time, a skinny woman, younger than the first, followed behind her with a sceptical look on her weary face.

"Mjyna, what are we doing her?" She sounded impatient but scared at the same time.

"Come, dear." Mjyna merely encouraged, looking back. "There he is." Her withered face looked proud. She bustled through the crowds until she was directly in front of Dean. The follower looked confused.

"You know Sam Wesson?" He asked desperately. He'd been volunteering here for weeks and aside from Saune, this woman had been the only person to actually know Sam. That's aside from the rumours of him being promoted by the government which everyone seemed to know.

Mjyna picked up a bowl of slop and left so the two people were alone, "I used to know him." She muttered quietly. Taking her gently by the arm, Dean led her out the back to where they could talk in relative privacy but Dean didn't really believe that anything is secret anymore with the government being how they are now.

"You knew Sam?"

"Yes, why? Has something happened?" Desperation glimmered in her eyes as though, despite all these years she still cared for him.

"No, he's fine. Who are you to him?"

She straightened up slightly to looking Dean dead in the eye. She had hazel eyes almost identical to Sam's, he knew the answer before she'd even said it, "I'm his mother."

Dean's jaw dropped, he could have never imagined that he'd get to meet the woman who'd raised Sam especially since Sam was forbidden by the government to make contact. He was meeting this woman that Sam had briefly spoken of once or twice but recalled that she had been the most beautiful and kind hearted person he'd ever met.

"Why do you want to know?" She questioned suspiciously, "Who are you?"

"I'm Dean Winchester, Ma'am, and I'm your son's boyfriend."

A smile split onto her face before she pulled Dean into her arms in a hug. He didn't know whether she was crying but he wouldn't be surprised if she was. She squeezed as tightly as her weak arms would allow before letting go.

"My baby did okay!" Her eyes were beginning to get wet, "After everything that happened with his sister, we didn't know how well he'd do on his own but we had to risk it." The old woman wiped her tears on the back of her hand, "He couldn't stay here."

"Sam has a sister?!" Why hasn't Sam ever mentioned her? Did they not get along? It seems like an odd fact to just forget to mention.

The woman's joy was washed from her face so quickly that Dean felt guilty. What had happened? She licked her chapped lips, "She died... About a week before Sam was offered the position."

"Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry. What happened?" He asked gently.

She shifted and watched the floor, "A wave of Dyliverate swept through housing 1 and 2. Thousands of people died including Meg."

Dean remembered the name to ensure that he could ask Sam about her later. Why had he never mentioned her? Maybe because it was too traumatic for him? Or maybe he just didn't want Dean to discover anything about his past. The rest of the conversation went by most uneventfully as Dean's mind was now preoccupied. Before separating, Sam's mother gave her housing code to Dean in case he needed to find her again. Despite admitting how much she missed Sam on a daily basis, she reminded Dean that he wasn't allowed to make contact with anyone he used to know. She didn't want to risk him losing everything he'd built up.

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