Part 13

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Dean woke up several times during the night. Each time he reached out for Sam, like usual, only to find the bed empty. Each time this happened, guilt twisted like a knife within him, tighter and tighter.

The cold space next to him felt so wrong especially since he'd grown so used to sharing a bed over the last few weeks. He curled in on himself to try and create heat that would usually have been provided by Sam's heavy body wrapped around him. The tall man was like an octopus in his sleep, always clinging to the hunter. Dean couldn't ever bring himself to complain about it though.

At some point during the night, Dean swore he heard the front door open. If he had been a cat then his eats would have perked up. But when he ran out, the open space was dark and the small panel beside the door still had a tiny red light flashing to signal that it was still locked. He knew from experience that it would be orange if someone had just come in.

Dean returned to the large bed feeling crestfallen. Burying is face into Sam's pillow, he breathed in the man's smell. Is it possible for someone to smell so fresh but of technology at the same time? Previous to meeting Sam, he would have said that you couldn't smell technology but Sam had proved him wrong. He briefly wondered if that is how Sam's laboratory smelt like.

Curling up on Sam's side, he had never felt so alone in his whole life.


Sam woke up with a throbbing headache which was only made worse by the stream of morning news which was being downloaded onto his microchip. He blinked against the brightness of morning before pulling himself to Jessica's bathroom where she kept her medicine. Pulling out a painkiller, he self medicated before he made his way back into the living room, where he noticed a message on his band.

Clicking it, he found that it was from Jess a few hours back. He played it.

"Morning, sleepyhead!" Her voice was crisp and clear as though she was in the room. Sam smiled lightly, "NOW GET YOUR ASS OUTTA THAT DOOR AND GO BACK TO YOUR TIME TRAVELIN' BOYFRIEND!"

Sam cringed as he recalled the secret that he had revealed while more than a little drunk. What would this mean for them? Would she tell people?! He panicked as he grabbed his suit jacket and raced out of her apartment.

As he ran, he DC, direct called, her, "Jess!" He gasped breathlessly. He hadn't planned on what to say next.

"Hey, Sammy! You're up." She chuckled.

He ignored her greeting, "You won't tell anyone, right?" He pleaded desperately.

"Of course not!" She cried. The sound of machinery working was in the background. She'd clearly been in work for a good few hours, "I don't see why it has to be such a secret anyway."

Sam jumped down into his ProJeneration that just pulled up and tapped in his destination, "Because he time travelled! Everyone here is obsessed with time jumping so you think that maybe they'll try and figure out how he did it! They'll do all sorts of tests to try and harness the energy!"

He couldn't see her but he knew that she was shaking her head, "Seriously, you watch way too many movies."


"Fine, fine." She cried, defeated. "I won't tell anyone!"

"Thank you so much! I don't know how to thank you!" He smiled.

"Just get back to your lover-boy, okay?" She instructed before hanging up.

As she did, the vehicle began to slow down on the tracks outside Sam's large housing block. He breathed deep but didn't move from where he was positioned. The vehicle beeped, making the man jump, showing that they'd arrived at their destination. Sam didn't want to move even though he knew he was taking up the tracks outside the building.

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