A lesson in deleting your history

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Sam was late home that night which was unusual as Sam's life ran like clockwork. So, automatically, Dean was suspicious of what could possibly be wrong. He wondered if maybe their discussion last night of Dean's longing to go home might have made Sam feel down. Had he seemed ungrateful of Sam's hospitality or maybe made Sam feel like Dean didn't want to be around him anymore? Guilt washed over him like a crashing wave. He didn't want Sam to feel unwanted, not when he liked him so much.

A small part of him wondered if perhaps the younger man knew what Dean had discovered in the film history. Although, he dismissed the thought as that would be ridiculous. He was just being a paranoid hunter, right?

The older man left the kitchen, where he'd been standing awkwardly, and made in the direction of Sam's bedroom, where the man had hidden himself away for the last few hours. Dean knocked hesitantly.

"Sam?" He called.

"One minute!" There was a sound of rapid moving and items being pushed around.

Dean had to wait almost two minutes before Sam finally peeped his head around the door. The tall man had a large smile but he looked almost stressed. His eyes crinkled in the corners, in the way that Dean found heart wrenching. He really hated having to pine over this man.

"Yeah?" Sam leant against the doorframe, stopping Dean's nosy view. His head was leant in that way that made him look concerned, caring and curious at the same time.

"I was wondering if I could talk with you..." He started awkwardly. Heart to heart conversations were not his strong point.

Sam nodded eagerly, "Of course. What about?" Shutting the bedroom door, he led the way over to the couch.

He sat down gently onto the plump fabric while his brows furrowed and he gestured for Dean to sit beside him. The hunter lowered himself down but didn't look Sam in the eye (he didn't want this to be any more awkward).

"Are you... Avoiding me?" He breached the topic carefully.

Sam recoiled,"Why would I be avoiding you?!"

"Well... You came home later than usual then barely stopped to say hello before you hurried off into your room... I couldn't help but think that maybe something I said last night... Might have offended you?"

Their minds were both cast back to the evening before when they were both sat on the sofa sipping from cool beers and trading stories. Dean had spoken a lot about his car, or Baby as he called it, and how much he missed simply driving her. He'd also mentioned his uncle Bobby, who wasn't actually related to him, and friend, Castiel (Who happened to be the one to send him into the future). He expressed how he longed to be back home with them, just like it used to be.

They'd learnt a lot about each other and Dean had leant that apparently angels were widely known about these days even if the feathery creatures didn't turn up all that often. It was a shock at first but eventually Dean simply accepted it as fact.

"Offended me how?" He was confused.

"Like... When I kept saying how I missed home and wanted to be there." The green eyed man explained.

"What? Of course that didn't offend me!" He chuckled, "You're stuck in a different time period. You're entitled to some home sickness!"

"You really didn't mind?"

Sam hit against his shoulder gently in a playful manner, "Of course not! If I were you, I'd be terrible! I'd be moaning all the time and basically complaining... Even though I don't really have much here."

Dean laughed slightly and suddenly saw an open opportunity to start a conversation topic, "So you seriously have no girlfriend or whatever?"

Sam suddenly tensed a bit and peered at the pale carpet, "I don't really date all that much..."

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