"Yeah it sucks that we can't bring them. They are pretty awesome."

"I am going to try out for the school team next year."

"Oh really? I was thinking about trying out too."

"Good you should try. I think that if we are both in Slytherin we could become friends. There are some families that you need to stay away from and I already know of all of them, I'm sure I could introduce you to some of my friends."

"Oh yes that would be lovely," I lied.

The woman came back with two robes in hand. One she handed to Draco and the other she handed to me.

The boy put his on and immediately said, "Mine doesn't fit."

I pulled mine on and it fit perfectly. I handed some coins to the woman and she smiled at me turning back to the boy who was complaining about his robe.

I waved bye to the both of them anxious to get away from the miserable boy. I was starting to rethink wanting to be in Slytherin.

I slipped out of the shop closing the door behind me and looked around for Severus. I found him standing across the street talking to a man with long blonde hair similar to the boy I had met in the shop.

If this was the boy's father and Severus was talking to him I knew I didn't want to go over there. Disregarding what I wanted to do I started across the street deep in thought.

I bumped into someone and looked up to apologize.

I saw it was Harry and he said, "Hi Jessica."

I stopped and said, "Hi Harry, are you going to get your robes?"

"Yes why?" he asked worriedly.

"Nothing. There is a rude boy in there but he's not too bad. Good luck dealing with him."

"Thanks for the heads up. I'm sure I can handle him. Have a good day."

"Same to you," I replied smiling.

I turned back around and headed straight for Severus and the man he was still talking to.

When he saw I was back Severus said, "That was quick."

The man said, "Oh you were getting your robes?"

"Yes sir," I replied.

"Did you meet my son? He is still in there."

"Yes I met him sir. He seems very nice."

"He's a wonderful son. Where are my manners," he held out his hand, "My name is Lucius Malfoy."

"I'm Jessica Wallwirt."

I took his hand and shook it then dropped my hand to my side.

He turned back to Severus and continued their conversation about Quiddatch, and of course Hogwarts.

Soon the boy walked out of the shop and made a beeline to where we were standing. He ran into several people but didn't bother to say sorry to any of them.

When he got to where we were standing he saw me there and said, "So Professor Snape is the one taking you around to get your things?"

I looked up at Severus for approval . once he nodded I said, "Yes, I met your father too."

At this he turned to Mr. Malfoy and said, "Father did you get me the new broom?"

"I am getting a custom one of the Nimbus ordered so it has your name on it," his father answered.

The boy looked pleased and turned to Severus, "Hello there Professor Snape."

"Hello Draco," Severus replied sounded annoyed.

Turning back to me he said, "Well if Professor Snape is fine taking you around I'm sure you will be in Slytherin."

Severus spoke up saying, "I sure hope she is."

He said it to Draco but was looking right at me. He seemed to know that I no longer wanted to be in Slytherin. I was busy thinking that Gryffindor didn't sound like such a bad house. Even if Severus hated it maybe that was just because he was in Slytherin.

"I want to go and get something to eat," Draco said to his father.

"Okay, well goodbye Severus. And goodbye to you as well Jessica. I hope you and Draco can become friends once you get to Hogwarts."

I put on my best fake smile and replied, "I'm sure we will get along just fine Mr. Malfoy."

They turned and left heading towards a small pub.

"I think we will get you your wand next?" Severus suggested.

"Awesome!" I exclaimed.

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