"War? Who with?!" Adelmus wondered aloud.

Hero wanted to kick him for being so dense and preoccupied with eating. He was stuffing his face, and they brought more food for him especially.

"The Bolvekr of course. Or had you not heard?"

"Oh right- yes, we knew about them all right!" Adelmus used his bread to wipe clean the third bowl of k'elemi.

"We've had word that the Bolvekr flag has been raised over Larkspur Mittel."

Adelmus finally stopped eating and looked up, his mouth half open.

"What?! No!" They cried together, more frightened now than ever.

Polver Moss suddenly spoke harshly to the trawler leaders who were present.


They all rose at once and along with a few others who'd been busy moving provisions, they left the children alone with Moss in the stofa. The door opened one last time, and there entered a young women with a veiled face and hood and a silvery dress far too beautiful for a distant trawler camp.

Hero gasped, while Adelmus loudly gulped down the last of his meal.

"I believe you have met before- I present to you the Lark King's daughter, Essa," Polver extended his hand to the woman to guide her as she sat down at the fire beside him.

The three children jumped to their feet to bow, as they'd been taught to do from the time they were very small, if ever in the presence of lark royalty.

It was the very first time they were knowingly before royalty, and so they bowed humbly and low.

"Sit down, please, for we must depart as soon as we are ready," Essa spoke softly, and pulled the veils back from her face as the children took their places again.

The princess was just as beautiful as Hero had remembered her in the desert that night. She stared at the children with her opaque, blue eyes as though she were fine and she could see them, but her movements said otherwise. She felt for the distance of the copper plate with her right hand which held the fire in front of her, and tilted her head to listen for other sounds every so often as she spoke.

"Grimsoll Bolvekr and his men continue to raise the price of peat beyond the means of the population and have also depleted the reservoir. They hold the King and my family hostage, and are referring to us as political prisoners- they have raised the Bolvekr flag at the castle. We have called upon the lark and owl populations across the lands, and the Choma as well as other trawler tribes to aid us, and will return at once to battle, to defend the city on behalf of both larks and owls, to drive the Bolvekr out."

She spoke quickly, in a low voice and the children leaned in to listen.

"Let us come with you!" Ivan pleaded.

"No. It is too dangerous- for what you protect now is more potent than any battle fought by men. The two of you will go with Hero as per Master Ogdin's advice. The Bolvekr are somehow aware of what you carry, and so you must remain hidden and safe."

"Master Ogdin?! Is he here?!" Hero asked.

"He was, but returned to the city just before you arrived. Polver Moss offered Master Ogdin protection, but he insisted on returning to the city. As leader of the Owl Council it is his duty. He will summon help from Larkspur Nord, Owlsdorp, Larkspur Sud and even from Mogelwart if must be. At any rate, he has left a map for you to continue on your way."

Polver Moss handed Hero a scroll.

"I understand that we must leave, but we don't know where we are going! And we've looked for Gaulus just as you told us to, to give him the globe, but he's disappeared and nobody knows where he is! And now we are in such trouble. . . and Aggie is gone- and please, can't I just give the globe back to you?!"

Larkspur Mittel: The Lark & Owl TrilogyWhere stories live. Discover now