12 - Seven Globes for Seven Lands

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They told Master Ogdin everything. About their horrible crash in the desert, the terrifying deguls and the northern lark woman who'd appeared out of nowhere to give them a package to deliver to Gaulus. They spoke of cleaning this very house, about the clocker crow's spiteful golden arrow and how Aggie still hadn't woken up.

Hero described Croo Mickel and his boys chasing her, and tried not to exaggerate her bravery, and the trawler boy with the different colored eyes who helped her get safely to the Owl Council. They also told him of the sickening shamal swell, and how they finally landed back on solid ground.

"I'd be glad never to leave Wobash Cynders again," Adelmus sighed.

"Well, you've certainly been tested, you have! Your wits are intact against more than one formidable foe. I don't suppose you could describe the lark woman?"

"She was beautiful!" Hero blurted, "like a lark spirit...though actually, we couldn't see her face. Her voice was beautiful...distict I'd say."

Adelmus shook his head, "nope, didn't see her face at all."

"Distinct? That's a curious way of putting it. At any rate would you be so kind as to show me what it is you carry, and why so many thieves and thugs are eager to hunt you and make your acquaintance so suddenly?"

"If I show you, do you promise to help me find Gaulus?"

"Hero! You can't talk to Master Ogdin like that- of course he will help you!" Adelmus scolded.

Hero lifted her chin in stubborn defiance and challenged the Master of the Owl Council. Ogdin in turn could see that the child was truly brave, and accustomed to fighting her own battles.

"I will make no promises Hero. I have lived too long to see the folly of men who make promises in matters of life and death which they cannot keep. Show me your burden and I will attempt to relieve you of it. As for Gaulus, I can tell you now that he has been missing for a fortnight. We do not know where he is."

Hero took the pouch from her satchel, and carefully drew out the globe. It was heavy again and she needed both hands to lift it from her satchel to the table.

"It's glowing- it's never done that before!"

The blue cerulean of the seas appeared darker than before, and the lines etched in gold now pulsed as though alive, and moved across the mysterious object. The ancient text etched onto the surface sparkled as well.

"Holy Owlsdorp..." Adelmus murmured.

Seeing the object, Ogdin's expression changed to one of dark concern.

"It opens too- and inside there is a leaf made of some kind of metal that looks like gold," Hero continued.

"You opened it?" Ogdin asked Hero with a mixture of astonishment and alarm.

"Of course- I wanted to see what it was I carried!"

Hero felt for the tiny clasp and opened the ball into two pieces as she had done before, and showed them the small golden leaf. The delicate, painted lines on the inside glowed as well, in red, orange and golden hues which flickered to Hero's touch.

Ogdin's beard quivered as he pulled an eyeglass from his breast pocket and put it in his right eye and examined the object carefully.

"What it is?" Hero asked.

"Seven globes for seven lands for seven rulers of the world, and so it was written. It is a pocket globe. Made centuries ago. Not in an owl's moon did I think I'd ever see one!"

"Seven globes," Ogdin repeated, "there were originally seven. All but three were destroyed. One is said to be hidden deep in a degul cave, while the other lies at the bottom of the Tresh volcano in a culvert beneath the boiling lava. The third must have been hidden... until now. Do you see the rendering? It is a map."

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