8 - Gaulus Namilus

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After the mischievous trawler boy had been taken away by the owl guard (he even had the nerve to wink at one of the Ocs girls), and the children were given a brief lecture on the history of the trawlers, of their work in the distant bogs, of their nomadic tribes and wild ways, and of how such a boy knew no better, the droll administrator continued to lead the new Ocs around the building. 

Their tour had nearly ended when Hero joined them in the laundry facility, and shortly after they were divided into groups with two other drolls leading each one. 

Hero put herself in with the company going to the Stofa, the Owl Council lower assembly room where, they were told, many of the judges and scholars met in the evenings. 

"It is essentially a library and smoking room where they can speak at ease and without the decorum demanded in the upper assembly," the droll explained.

Surely it would be a good place to begin her search, thought Hero. 

The Stofa was hidden in the depths of the building, down one long hallway, and then another, across a wide garden courtyard full of overgrown species of plants and blooming flowers of a sort that Hero had never seen before. They continued climbing up a spiral staircase and found themselves in a wide hall, where they gathered before two stately doors, the entrance to the Stofa.  

To the right of the doors were an endless row of plaques which were hung along the length of the hall. The names of all the scholars and council members, current and past were engraved upon the plaques. Hero scanned the more recent names quickly, looking for 'Gaulus,' but did not find him. 

"Please remember, your position in this situation is to be unseen, unheard, and inconspicuous! Again, your appointment as an Ocs for the Stofa is a most important directive. The utmost discretion is advised! Do you understand?"

The Ocs all nodded.

"You will bring books, take books away, tend to the fires at either end of the hall, serve tea and sandwiches if requested, light and empty pipes and so on and so forth. I trust you all mastered how to pour tea properly?"

Only a few of the Ocs nodded this time.

"Good! Remember, you never, ever address a scholar or a high court owl. They are learned men and women, never to be bothered, or questioned. Speak to one of the droll assistants should you have any questions, though only to those who are otherwise unoccupied! To interrupt a droll at work is equivalent to starting a volcanic eruption, and you must be prepared for the heat of the lava to singe your ears!"

One boy bravely put his hand up.

"Sir? What if we need to use the toilet?"

"What if?" 

The droll administrator looked down at the boy over his bifocal spectacles, eyebrows raised.

"Shall we just walk out?"

"Walk out? No, you shall not walk out, for you will have used the lavatory before going in! Any more questions? No? Right then, in you go!"

The administrator stood by the door checking names as the Ocs entered the room. Hero allowed a few Ocs to go ahead of her while she fidgeted, and tried to think of some excuse as to why her name was not on the list.

"Sir, I was sent to bring a message to Master Gaulus!" she blurted out before he could ask her name. 

"Master Gaulus? Who is Master Gaulus?" 

"I don't know sir, the other droll said you would know," she pointed back over her shoulder.

"What is your name?"

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