Sitting beside Yoongi, Jungkook showed off his cute bunny smile to the boys. It was definitely not helping Jin calm his heart. "Good morning Kookie~" Jimin greeted in a super cheery tone that was obviously the result of Jungkook's arrival. Taehyung and Jin also chimed in with their 'Good Mornings' while Yoongi only nodded.

Taehyung and Jimin started talking about Taemin guy that they both admired while Yoongi decided that it was the perfect time to fall asleep.

Jungkook- being the obsessed boy that he was-kept his gaze on Jin. He noticed the light shade of pink covering Jin's cheeks. He smirked. He loved the sight. Jin's blush gave Jungkook the courage to be a little more bold. "Hyung," he said as he reached for Jin's hand. "Let's have lunch together, okay?" he asked. "Of course, Kookie, you don't have to ask me. Everyone will be happy if you eat with us," Jin replied, his cheeks turning into an even darker red. Jungkook chuckled fondly. "No, hyung, I meant just us. You and I-- together," he explained. "O-oh," Jin stuttered, mentally cursing at how flushed his face must be. "Of course. U-uh, I would like t-that," he said. He was even more embarrassed by his stuttering. Meanwhile, Jungkook was really enjoying seeing Jin like this. He heard heels clacking distantly outside, notifying him that the teacher would soon be there. He got up and as he did, noticed the disappointment in Jin's face. Jungkook smiled lightly and embraced Jin, surprising the elder. "Hyung, you're so cute," he whispered in his ears. Both of them felt their heartbeats skyrocketing. Jungkook let go of Jin and quickly gave him a kiss on his forehead. He then sat on his own seat, which was right behind Jin's.

Jin, the responsible one who was always focused when it came to school work, spent the entire class zoning out and thinking about Jungkook. It really wasn't helping that his distraction was right behind him. He found it rather unfair that he was so close to him and yet he couldn't speak to him or be with him... whatever that meant.


As soon as the lunch bell rang, the students began running out of class. Jin informed his friends that he would not be joining them.

It was nearly a miracle that the teacher never noticed how distracted Jin was. It was a good thing, though. Had she noticed, Jin might have earned himself a detention. And the teacher might have found herself as another part of Jungkook's collection.

Jungkook and Jin walked out together. They were side by side which made both of them a bit miserable. Something was missing. Good thing that Jungkook was trying to be braver today. He reached for Jin's had and held it tightly. Jin blushed and looked away.

"So, where are we going to be sitting?" Jin asked, breaking the silence. "Just follow me," Jungkook replied with a smile. Jin nodded. Jungkook led him to a part of the school that he had never been to before. It was a garden. There were a lot of different kinds of flowers there. There was a small pond as well. Seokjin looked at the place in awe. "Beautiful right?" Jungkook asked. Jin nodded. "It's gorgeous. How come I have never seen this place before?" Jin asked. "Because you have to have a certain key to a certain door before getting here," Jungkook answered. "How come you have it?" Jin asked. "Being the teachers and the entire school staffs' favored child comes with its advantages," he told Jin. That and some manipulative powers.

They sat on a bench close to the pond. They talked about a lot of different things as they ate. Jin found a lot of similarities with Jungkook.

Of course he did.

The entire time consisted of a lot of staring from both of them and random hugs which internally killed both of them. That went on for a little longer when they suddenly found themselves sucked into each others eyes again. They kept staring until somehow they ended up moving closer... and closer... and closer and their lips locked. Both of them turned pink, but did not separate.

Jin had a lot of thoughts going through his mind. However, he chose to ignore all of them. This felt right. Just perfect.

Jungkook on the other hand had nothing else on his mind. This was what he had wanted for the longest time. This was everything. This was perfect.

They separated when the school bell rang, informing them that their next class would start soon.

"Uh, l-let's go," Jin said. Jungkook nodded. A few steps later, Jin stopped. Noticing this, so did Jungkook. "What's wrong?" he asked. Jin hesitated for a few moments before asking. "What are we now?" Jungkook stared, finding it difficult to believe that this was really happening. "It depends on you, hyung. What do you want? I know that I like you a lot. So it's up to you now," Jungkook replied, sounding calmer than he felt. "I-i," Jin stuttered. Then frowned. "I don't know what's going on. Just a couple of days ago, you were only a smart kid in class that also happened to be extremely cute. And now... just thinking about you makes me feel like I ran 20 miles in 15 minutes. This happened so fast, but... I like it. I like you too. So, Jungkook, will you be my boyfriend?" Jin asked.

Jungkook felt as if he could burst from happiness. (He decided to ignore the part where Jin said that this was happening too fast.)

Jungkook smiled with more happiness than he had felt in his entire life. "Of course I will."

Man, I'm always so lost. It's 3:06 at night. I seem to always write this in a half-asleep state. Amazing.

And gosh! I am so inconsistent (and irresponsible) when it comes to publishing! My last chapter was after more than a month and a half. This one is after a day or two.

That being said, I am an idiot. I published the Character asks wayyyy too soon. I will be unpublishing that and putting it back up later.

I hope you all are having a good life and not planning on murdering me like a certain someone for the certain deaths that happened a few chapters back.

Man this story is so strange. One moment it's all fluffy (as fluffy as I can write) and the next, the main character is murdering someone. I swear. I mean... I was not even planning on half of the things that happened in this chapter. Jinkook was supposed to wait a few more chapters until they legit started dating... but I'm not complaining. (Maybe I am).

Captured || JinkookOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz