Chapter 4

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       No, it can't be. We haven't had so many experiences together and not have our friendship be real. It's just not possible.

       I'm ready to smile, to forgive at the slightest sign from her. To forget this ever happened. I take a slow, long, deep breath, trying to clear my mind.

       It doesn't work. I pinch myself, fervently hoping that it was all a dream. A bad dream, but a dream nonetheless. That doesn't work either. It's real. How, how can it be real? Maybe she just had a bad day, or had a mental relapse. I'm making tons of excuses for her, still hoping she didn't mean what she said. Does she really not want to be friends?

       "Christine? Everyone else left already. Are you okay? You seem to be a little pale." I look up, my wall broken for the moment. Mrs. Ricardo, my History teacher is observing me worriedly, probably thinking I'll throw up and ruin the ugly tiled floor.

       "Oh, I'm fine. I was just leaving." I muster a half hearted smile, and stumble out the door to try finding my next class, math.

       I reach algebra right as the bell rang, and slide into the first empty seat I come across. I'm still in my own little world, a world where nobody but Kelly and our fight matters.

       "Christy? Is everything all right?" I look over to find Selena searching my face, probably seeing my distress. Is it that easy to tell? I turn this over in my mind, finally deciding, yeah, of course it shows. I just might've lost my best friend for goodness sake!

        "Uh, Christy?"

        "Huh? Oh yeah. No wait, I'm not all right. I don't think. I don't know!" I stumble through my words, not quite sure how to answer.

       "What happened?"

       "Nothing. Well, yeah, something. Its just... I don't know. I can barely sort through my thoughts, much less explain it to you." I laugh bitterly, looking down at myself. I'm usually so good with words, saying what people expect. But right now I'm a stuttering idiot.

        "Try. I told you about my issue, the least you could do is to tell me yours." Selena's words sound harsh, but her expression is empathetic, and oddly soothing.

        I take a deep breath, preparing myself, willing myself not to cry. "Kelly, my best friend, and I got in a huge fight. And she said she didn't want to be friends anymore!" I bite my lip, rapidly blinking back tears.

       "Oh, I'm so, so sorry! I know what it feels like, and its just terrible. Is there something I can do to help?" Her large sea green eyes are consolatory, and I feel myself actually start to calm down. I hate myself for calming down, feeling as if I'm betraying Kelly. But that's ridiculous, she's the one that betrayed me!

       "No, I'll be fine. Or, I'll try to be anyways." I give her a rueful smile, surprised to find that I'm even capable of smiling. "I'm actually starting to feel kind of mad. She had no right to accuse me like she did!" This was meant to be a lie, but I find that what I said was true. She did have no reason to dump me.

       "That's good." Her words are short, and are almost seem meaningless. But the way she said them is not meaningless at all. She all but says that she understands totally, her every movement signaling it as clearly as the sun shines. Its safe to confide in her, and although she seems to know there's nothing she can do to help, her understanding is like a beacon of light to me, helping me to get through the storm. Just knowing she understands, and is there for me, helps me considerably. I find myself rapidly healing, a surprising development, as I thought in the back of my mind that I would always feel like my world was falling apart.

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