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Rylin's POV

I knock on Jack's door and G answered and looked between Jacoby and I.

"I thought you were dating Johnson" He said furrowing his eyebrows

"I am"I replied

"Who's he? Are you cheating already?"G asked with wide eyes and slightly covering his mouth.

"Um. no dude she is not my type" Jacoby said chuckling.

"Thats rude" G said 

"No he is my brother G" I said and his confusion disappeared.

"Ohhhh.." He said and Jacoby and I laughed at him.

"Is Jack here?"I asked 

"Yeah he is in his room" He replied finally letting us in, I had on my backpack with my clothes and Jacoby had on my backpack with everything else.

Jacoby followed me up to Jacks room and I knocked on the door.

"Yeah??"Jack and and I opened the door and walked in, Jacoby following me slowly.

"Hey babe"He said glancing up from his phone before doing a doubletake and furrowing his eyebrows looking at Jacoby.

"Before you ask. no. I am not cheating on you. this is my brother Jacoby" I said and he nodded and stood up and they shook hands.

"Damn never thought the day would come when I would meet a boyfriend of Rylins" He said chuckling.

"I never thought she would let me meet her family" Jack said 

"Yeah I kinda made her let me meet you.. she said she had a boyfriend I wanted to see for myself." He replied. 

I lay on Jacks bed and get on my phone as the two talk for a while. after a good thirty minutes of hearing them blab I sat up and groaned and they looked at me.

"Are you going to steal my boyfriend?" I asked Jacoby and he chuckled.

"I dont think so no" He said shaking his head,

"I might steal your brother though. he is pretty chill for an older brother."Jack said and I sighed.

"Very well"I said laying back down.

I grab Jack's phone from the bed, I dont know the password but I just start taking pictures and after a ton I stop.

"I regret taking those I look so ugly right now"I said and they chuckled.

"You look perfect"Jack said making me smile and start taking more pictures on his phone again.

I stop listening to their conversation and then I feel the bed dip down beside me and I look up to see Jack,

"Jacoby and I are going to go play basketball with Nash and Gilinsky.. You can come watch if you want but you don't have to" He said pecking my lips.

"Okay have fun.. I might come out in a little bit but Jack"I said 

"Yes?"He asked 

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