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I laid flat on my back on the cold gym floor, sweating and breathing heavily. I had just endured the most brutal two hour practice of my life; coach was definitely pissed off about something today. I wouldn't dare question her about it though, I'm not trying to run laps.

As if basketball wasn't enough, I have cheer practice in an hour as well. My body was so sore I could barely move, and I didn't even want to think about what it would be like tomorrow morning. Especially since I have to work tonight. I really just want to sleep.

"Ladies, hit the showers. You stink!" Coach yelled, blowing her whistle to get our attention.

I rolled my eyes and struggled to pull myself off the floor, grateful when one of my friends stopped to help me. "Thanks Moe." I smiled, dusting off my shorts.

"No problem, B." Moe returned my smile before jogging off. I rolled my neck a few times as I walked back to the locker room, not bothering to rush. There was really no point, since I would be sweaty and tired all over again in about an hour.

"Yo Bella, did you hear?" Jordan called out as soon as I walked in. I noticed the other girls' eyes on me and frowned.

"Hear about what?" I asked while changing out of my jersey. I grabbed my gym bag and searched for a tank top and Nike Pros for cheer.

"Rumor has it, Beyoncé's in town." Taylor chimed in. I could see the excitement in her eyes and laughed a little. The girl worshiped Beyoncé. "She's supposed to be headed to some club tonight with Jay Z. At least that's what I heard."

"My man!" Moe grinned, licking her lips and high fiving Sese.

I laughed and shook my head. "Okay.... But what does that have to do with me?" I asked. Sure, I liked Beyoncé and her music, I've just never taken a huge interest in her. I faintly remember my mama playing Destiny's Child and Dangerously in Love when I was younger, so I stray more towards R&B Beyoncé. I haven't heard much of her new stuff.

"It's Beyoncé." Taylor stated in a 'duh' tone. "The legend, the queen. This is like, a once in a lifetime thing. We have to go meet her!"

"I highly doubt that will happen." I replied, bursting her bubble with reality. "Imagine how high security will be, not to mention we're underaged. We're not getting into any clubs."

"You still have your fake, right?" Moe asked me. I side eyed her before nodding slowly. "So why can't we get into the club?"

I sighed. "Does anyone actually know what club it is?"

"40/40." Brianna replied. "The one where the celebrities typically go when they're in town."

"Jay Z owns it, so makes sense." Moe nodded. I looked between the girls and shook my head. There was no way in hell they were getting into the 40/40 club.

"Well my uncle works there, I bet he could get us in." Malia spoke up. We all looked at her for a minute, forgetting she was on the team. It happens more often than it should.

"Could he really?" Jordan asked excitedly. "We could pay him."

"Well duh," Malia scoffed. "He ain't doing it for free. He could get fired." My teammates began discussing their outfits for tonight while I shook my head.

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