Part Fifteen: Maybe

Start from the beginning

I felt my mom's hand on my shoulder, bringing me out of my thoughts, and lead me thru the gate to the bottom of the stairs of the stands.

"Go get ready - we'll be here watching." She said before she led the rest of my family up the stands were other families were waiting for their kids.

There were many people waiting for the ceremony to begin, and overall, the entire place was busy. I quickly made it across the field where everyone else was at, and quickly got lost in the crowd, finally ready to begin the ceremony after waiting for so long.


As I'd often said before, I'd been waiting for this moment the second I had walked thru the doors of the school the first day of freshmen year. Luckily, that day was finally here. I sat alongside students in my same class, ready to finally receive our diplomas and do whatever we all had planned afterwards.

Names were called out, one after another, all in alphabetical order, making the line shorter, and my turn to approach the podium come quicker. Since I was at the front of the line, I was so close to actually walking up and getting my diploma once and for all.

As I waited for my turn, I collected my thoughts and focused on succesfully walking up and not messing up. Nothing else really mattered, other than not messing something else up and getting what I'd worked for for four years.


It was almost my turn to walk up, so I focused on what was ahead of me.


I took a deep breath, and took few, but big steps as I walked to the front. Everything was a blur, but I noticed as I made it to the front while people in the stands clapped and I was handed my document. i felt as if I were moved mechanically, but I knew everything I did.

I remember sitting down, watching as all my friends got their diplomas, hearing our principal's corny speech, listening to different teachers, and finally being dissmissed.

I hadn't been paying close attention to anything, so I wouldn't know exactly what had happened. All throughout the ceremony, I stared down at my feet and planned on if I wanted to talk to Austin one last time or not. After a long, internal debate with myself, I finally came to the answer.

I stood outside our small field and waited for Austin to walk by so we could talk. It was a terrible plan, but this would be better than nothing.

I didn't have to wait long, considering Austin walked by soon along with his family. Though I'd never been a courageous person, I'd somehow found courage and had pulled him away from his group and now stood infront of him, not sure how to start my speech.

As people around us quickly left, the silence became much more obvious, yet neither of us said anything. We hadn't talked since Saturday, and it was obvious that we still had some unresolved problems amogst us.

Instead of paying attention to Austin, I payed more attention to my shoes and rubbed them against the pavement. It was obvious neither of us was going to say something, but I was proven wrong when Austin was the first one to speak up - as always.

"So, we're graduated." He said, and I nodded silently. "I'm guessing this is one of the last time's we'll see each other." He said as he looked off into the distance.

I simply nodded and continued to look at the floor.


"Look, Austin, this is one of the last times I'll see you, and things shouldn't be awkward." I started off. "I just - I don't know. I'm dumb, OK."

Nothing Is What It Use To Be (Austin Mahone Fan Fiction // Completed)Where stories live. Discover now