Part Fifteen: Maybe

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Part Fifteen: Maybe


Song For The Part:

There For You by Flyleaf

"Sometimes I'm a selfish fake, you're always a true friend. And I don't deserve you, 'cause I'm not there for you - please forgive me again."

Time Of Your Life by Green Day

"It's something unpredictable, but in the end is right, I hope you had the time of your life."

We Are Broken by Paramore

"I am outside and I've been waiting for the sun with my wide eyes. I've seen worlds that don't belong. My mouth is dry with words I cannot verbalize tell me why we live like this"


Part One

-Celeste's Point Of View-

As I'd often mentioned before, avoiding people and situations was one of my few talents, and this week - more than ever - it had proven to be right. It seemed like something stupid, but I went out of my way to avoid any contact, and was glad that I'd made it the whole last week of school without having to see him once.

Though during the week I'd been able to avoid him, today was no exception. We would be in the same area at the same time, and the chances of having to talk to one another would be extremely high. Though we weren't the least bit close to one-another, we'd eventually run into each other no matter what.

The entire class of 2014 had spent the morning and part of midday rehearsing for the graduation we'd all anticipated, and so far so good. We'd all been dismissed for lunch, and to get ready for the events of later that afternoon, and now I stood outside the school with my family.

I pushed my bangs back and took a few more deep breaths. I'd been nervous all afternoon, and all I wanted to do was get this over with. Though I didn't have to do anything big at the ceremony, I was worried I would do something stupid like trip while I was walking up. Knowing myself, I was sure something was bound to go wrong.

My bangs continued to fall in my face, making me push them back which made my mom swat my hand away.

"Stop that! You're going to mess your hair up." She put my hair back into place and adjusted my necklace.

"Stop." I whined, swatting her hand away, too. "You're going to mess it up."

She slapped my shoulder, and turned away. "When are we suppose to head to the field?" She asked as she stood on her tip toes to get a better look at what was happening ahead.

Since we had a nice, decent sized, football field our graduation ceremony would be held there instead of in the gym. I thought it was nice since the weather was actually cooperating with us today, and saw nothing wrong with having our ceremony out.

"I think we should go now," I glanced down at my watch, "the ceremony won't start for a while, but I need to go sit down."

My mom hooked her arm with my dad, and both my sisters walked behind us as we walked out towards the green fields. This was the last time I would see this school, so I glanced around and payed attention to my surroundings.

Though I didn't want to admit it, I would definitely miss this school. A lot of good things had happened here, and I wasn't ready to leave it all though I had to.

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