Part Eight: We Talked About Your Past And All Your Dreams (2)

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Part Eight: We Talked About Your Past And All Your Dreams (2)


Song For The Chapter:

Grow Up Girl - Becky G


-Celeste's Point Of View-

"How does this sound?" Austin strummed his guitar and played a repetative melody. HIs focus was completely on the guitar, and he tapped his foot against the pavement to the beat. I listened for a while, and got the hang of the song.

"It sounds good, we could add a beat." I said as he continued to play the guitar. I tapped my hands against my tighs and added a little extra with my foot.

We didn't have many lyrics, but we definatly had the instrumental part down. Austin continued to play his guitar, and I stopped making the beat to write in the spiral. It was open to the page we'd written lyrics in earlier, so I added more onto another line.

"We talked about your past, and all your dreams." Were the lyrics I added to random scribbles that were written down on the paper..

Austin stopped playing music and looked at the notebook that was sitting on my lap. I continued writting small things; anything that would come to mind.

"What are you doing?" Austin asked as he tried to reach over to look at what I'd written.

I quickly covered the notebook, and scooted away from him. "Nothing, just writing." I used my arm to cover the paper and looked up at him.

He'd set his guitar back in the case and got up, walking in my direction. "It's my journal; I have the right to know what you've written." He taunted as he got closer, and I got up and walked towards the road. "Where you going?" He asked from the top where we previously were.

"Down here." I replied as I watched him sit down. "I'll finish this paper and then show you the lyrics."

He thought for a while, and then for his guitar again. "Sure, but when you finish I get to see what you wrote. Promise?"

"I promise."

He stuck his pinky in the air and asked again. "Pinky promise?"

I did the same and stuck my pinky in the air, mimicking him. "Yes, Austin. I pinky promise."

I checked the road before walking to the other side and sat down on the grass, facing Austin. He continued playing his guitar as I played with the grass underneath me, twirling blades of it between my index finger, and thumb.

I'd lost the ideas I'd had earlier and couldn't think of anything so I began doodling once again. I looked up from the paper to where Austin sat concentrated on the music sheets that were lying next to him.

Fuck it, I thought as I scribbled down the next couple of lyrics.

I put the pen on the page I had written on and closed it up. 

"Are you done yet?" Austin yelled from across the street. I stood up and dusted myself of any dirt, grass, or small pebles that would be on the ground. 

"Uh, I think so." I held the notebook close to my chest and walked towards the pillars that held up the bridge above us. 

The footsteps behind me made me aware that Austin was getting closer to me, so I went around the pilars, holding onto the notebook in one arm and using the other to swing around the round pilar. 

"Can I see what you wrote?" Austin asked from the other side of the big columb. 

I walked further towards other columbs - him following behind me - and turned around to face him. 

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