Part Thirteen: Sing With Me

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Part Thirteen: Sing With Me


Song For The Chapter:

Give Me Love by Ed Sheeran


-Celeste's Point Of View-

Here I was, standing alongside my friends looking for last minute dresses and accesories. This is something we should've done months ago, but most of us hadn't planned on going to begin with. It was just Rose, Crystal, Dani, and I since everyone else either had plans or had already gotten their dresses or suits. We had been out all morning and had yet to find anything that had caught our attention or wow'd us all. We were tired, hungry, and just wanted to go home, but we couldn't - we only had this weekend to find dresses and accesories considering prom was next weekend.

Wondering around the city had led us to this moment; we all stood inside a dress shop in a bad part of the city. I had been by the shop many times as I grew up, but had never bothered to go inside and actually see what they had. The outside looked shitty, but the inside was beautiful, bright, and lined with every color of dress you could imagine.

The entire shop was colorful and so full of life. There were long dresses, short dresses, colorful dresses, and even simple dresses lining the walls of every corner of the store.

"Do you need any help?" A lady aske. She didn't look old. She was younger - maybe a couple years older than us. I could hear her accent as she spoke to us.

"Actually, yes. We're looking for prom dresses." Rose explained. "You know, like in high school dances. Long, pretty, shinny dresses." She demonstrated with her hands.

Crystal smacked her arm. "I' sure she know waht prom is, Rose." She shook her head, "Stupid." She muttered.

"Solamente buscabamos vestidos - como de fiesta." I explained to her in Spanish. She nodded in agreement and gestured for us to follow her.

"Wha tdid you tell her?" Dani whispered.

"That we were just looking for dresses."

As we walked behind the lady, we walked by all kinds of dresses. The ones that mesmerized me the most were the quince dresses. When I was younger, it was all I wanted. I wanted to have a big party and to celebrate with my family and friends. As I got older, all of that changed. The exitment of growing up was completely gone, and I dreaded getting older. I looked at all the dresses and their accesories one last time before quickly catching up with my friends who were still following the sales lady.

She led us to a more secluded part of the store before leading us to a small room with walls lined with dresses.

"If anyone needs anything, just go find me." The sales lady said before leaving the area and walking to the front desk.

Immediately, my friends scattered around and went to different racks of dresses leaving me to look around. I didn't know what I wanted, and I didn't even want to go, so I saw no use in standing here, so I simply sat down on one of the chairs located near the dressing rooms.

I watched as my friends grabbed dresses off the racks and looked at them in detail. From my side of the store, I silentely gave my opinion and helped them pick out decent looking dresses.

"Aren't you going to pick anything?" Crystal turned around and asked. I shook my head and took my phone to check if Austin had texted any more details for tonight. "Look at this dress, isn't it pretty? You should look, there's a lot of nice things here." She pointed out.

I looked around and sunk lower into my seat, "I will later, now go find something." I shooed her off and took my phone out again.


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