Part Nine: If Looks Could Kill I'd Be Six Feet Under

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Part Nine: If Looks Could Kill I'd Be Six Feet Under


Song For The Chapter:

Wu- Tang Forever - Drake

*video on the side


-Celeste's Point Of View-

Lunch was loud as usual and crowded, but I managed to get to our usual table. It was a B-Day so Rose wouldn't be having this lunch today. I sat at the end of the table and said a small hi to Kelsey, Bella, Dani, and Devon. Everyone else was getting their lunches, so I spoke to them for a while. Once everyone was seated, they all immediately immersed themselves in the topic that was on everyone's minds - prom.

It wasn't right around the corner, but people were already talking about it, and getting ready for it. I ignored the girls talking about it and stuck with the five people who I'd become closer with throughout the years - Devon, Crystal, Dani, Kelsey, and Marissa. We were missing Rose but we talked about the usual: Tumblr, youtubers, Twitter, and music.

It was an average, everyday lunch until they stopped talking and looked up above me. I turned around and looked up at the figure holding a plate of food in one hand, and a bottle of Vitamin Water in another.

"Can I sit here?" Austin said motioning at the empty chair that was pulled up to the end of the table.

I looked at the rest of my friends to see if they cared - it didn't matter to me, but I wanted to see if they'd be uncomfortable. They all shrugged and nodded.

"Sure, no one's going to sit there anyways." I said as I turned back to my food and took a grape off my tray. He sat down and looked at all of us awkwardly.

"All of you are always hanging out together - do you not get tired of each other?" He asked us all.

I looked at all of my friends and shrugged, "Sometimes, I mean, I love them but they can be assholes sometimes." Crystal said.

"Agreed." The other four and I said.

"We are a family and we stick together - ohana mother fuckers." Dani said from her end of the table.

Austin looked at all of us weirdly and started eating his food - the usual spicy chicken patty, fries, and a blue slushie. I thought it was weird I noticed these things, but I honestly couldn't care less.

"What about your friends, and girlfriend? Aren't you suppose to be with them right now instead of over here with us?" Crystal asked as she looked around the cafeteria.

I did the same to see if perfect bitch was any where in sight. "Is she mad for blowing her off last night?" I asked him.

"Yeah, we had some problems in the morning and she isn't over it." He said as he looked around nervously too.

"Ouh, trouble in paradise." Crystal muttered as she stabbed her potato salad with the cheap, plastic spoon the school provided, "Didn't think there would ever be problems with the 'it' couple."

Austin looked at her and shook his head, muttering a whatever. It was obvious they weren't too fond of each other; in English they often argued back and forth, and anytime they were within five feet of each other, they'd often fight about stupid things.

I sighed and looked down at my food until the noisiness of whoever was now sitting at the table in front of us made me look back up again. Everyone at our table turned their attention to the rowdy group to see who it was.

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