Part Eight: We Talked About Your Past And All Your Dreams

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Part Eight: We Talked About Your Past And All Your Dreams


Song For The Chapter:

Grow Up Girl - Becky G


-Celeste's Point Of View-

I turned off my laptop and quickly shoved it into my backpack. It was barely Monday and I was already having a breadown in the middle of a remote cafe in Round Rock; no surprise there. After the weekend I had realized I had work that was due this week, and immediately began working on it. Once school was over, I ditched Pricilla and rushed to somewhere quiet, and isolated where nobody would be able to find me.

Lately, my family had gotten use to me dissapering after school and coming home for dinner but they obviously had forgotten since they continued to call. Everytime they called, I ignored their calls - it got to the point where their calls annoyed me so much, I simply turned my phone off to avoid anymore distractions. I had mostlikely had done something that they say as wrong that made them upset, and would most likely never hear the end of it when I got back home.

The second my phone turned back on all their calls came in, and I ignored them all once again. My phone vibrated again making me scowl and almost ignored the call, but realized it was Ausitn.

What could he want now?

"Hello?" I breath out as I put my backpack in the passanger seat.

"Heeeey, Celeste." He rolled out his e's.

I setteled down in the truck, and rested my head on the steering wheel.

"What's up?"

"So, I was just walking around, doing the usual, you know? Anyways, I got this idea for our song and I wanted to share it with you. Do you have time to meet up right now?" I thought about it for a while; I didn't want to return home now, so why not?

"Yeah, sure. Where at?" He gave me his location, and instructions on how to get there.

After all the directoins, I figured out where he was, and got there easily. I parked my vehicle in an area that wasn't surrounded by as many cars, and hid all my valuables. It was a habit that I was use to soince I was a younger child, and did it often now.

I just took my backpack with my laptop in it and walked down the sidewalk to the area of the park he was in. It wasn't as habited by people since most of the kids and parents where at the park, swimming pool, and the small swing set. I could easily distinguish Austin's figure that was sitting on top of a picnic table near the basketball courts.

I set my backpack down on the picnic table and sat down on the bench next to Austin.

"So, what was your big idea you couldn't wait for tomorrow to share?" I asked.

He took a while to think about it before answering my question. "Well, I was thinking since we're both contributing to writing the song, that maybe you could sing with me too!" I was confused for a second so he continued to explain. "You'll be helping record the song, but I thought it would be cool if you would sing along with me too."

I shook my head with an awkward smile plastered on my face, "That's it? No, no, no, no, a thousand times no." I repeated over and over again. The singing days were over for me, and I refused to sing for the project. "I'll just help write, and help by making music for it, but there is no way I'll be singing."

"But-" He objected.

"Nope, now if you'll excuse me, I need to get home and yelled at." I stood up from the bench and waved good-bye to him.

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