Part Three: Its Worse Than Sixth Street On A Saturday

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Part Three: Its Worse Than Sixth Street On A Saturday.


(1) Mum- Apparantly only Texas highschools do this. A mum is basically a big ribbon decorated with school colors and such that a guy gives his homecoming date. The girl gives him something similar (garter) that ties around his arm like an arm band, it basically the same thing as a mum: big, colorful, and has school colors, and school pride.

(2) Sixth Street- Sixth Street isn't the average street in a city or town here in Austin. There are a lot of clubs and that kind of thing on Sixth Street, and that area of the city is packed on Saturday nights. It's pretty crazy: drunk men and women, partying, dancing, and what not.


Song For The Chapter:

Doing It Wrong by Drake


-Celeste's Point Of View-

"Students, don't forget to purchase last minute homecoming tickets today during lunches." One of the student council members said thru the PA system.

Nobody in class was even paying attention to these announcements, but as soon as Homecoming was mentioned everyone started their own conversations about it. I let out a small groan and put my head inbetween my arms that were resting on my desk. To me it seems that Texas schools only care about Friday night football, which I found stupid.

Half the student body was worried about having dates to the homecoming game, which to me was irrelevant. I didn't care too much for sports, my life mostly circled around music and found no interest in physical activities.

As all the girls talked about who was taking who to the game, and who had the cuttest mum (1), I took out my notebook and flipped to the page where I usually wrote my thoughts. I'd been doing this since seventh grade where I discovered that I didn't have to tell people my feelings-- I could simply write them down for myself and never show anyone. Doing this usually calmed me, and most of my thoughts would turn into lyrics that I'd been trying to figure out for years now.

I felt a small tap on my shoulder and lifted my head to see that it was Marissa who had tried to get my attention.

"Hey, you going to homecoming?" She asked. She was a trainer for the football team, and it was obvious she was going, I believe she had to.

I let out a small laugh, before answering. "No! I have no love for Friday Night Football." I stated.

She laughed to before answering, "Well, I think you should go. You're a senior and have never been to a single football game in your life, it seems sad."

I let my head drop back into my arms and turned my face towards Marissa so I could continue to talk to her, "It's not really my thing, plus I hate everyone in this school and I have no school spirit."

"I'm just saying you should go, half these people are only going to flaunt the person who's asked them." She stated while doodling on her notebook.

"I'll think about it; I'm not doing anything tonight, anyways." The announcements were over and our teacher stood up from his chair and walked up to the front of the classroom.

"Since tonight's homecoming, we'll just have an easy day today. You have this period free, just don't cause to much ruckus." He walked back to his desk, and continued to scroll thru his computer, and occasionally type in a few things.

"Way to care for our education," I muttered in a low tone so he would hear me, "It's gonna be like this all day." I said out loud.

A few students that actually payed attention to me muttered a 'yeah' in agreement.

I rolled my eyes at the rest of the people around me talking about tonight's game, and rested my head on my desk. If we were going to have free time, I might as well take advantage and rest for a while.


As soon as I sat down at the table a loud boom was hear thru one of the halls outside the cafeteria. Our cafeteria was really not enclosed by anything--it was just kind of out in the open in the middle of the bus lane hallway and the "main hallway".

The booms and yells got louder indicating that whoever--or whatever-- was making the noise was getting closer. Nobody else in the cafeteria seemed to know what was going on since they all looked around in confusion, trying to figure out where the noise was coming from. A few band members entered the cafeteria playing their instruments, along with the cheerleaders and the Sparklers who started chanting.

As more students pilled into the cafeteria and got situated the music and cheers got louder as they tried to get the student body exited about the game tonight. As said earlier, no one cares about the game; as long as girls had their dates, and mums, they'd be happy.

I tried to contain my annoyance whenever the teachers tried to get us to cheer alongside everyone else. I wasn't one with school spirit, and I wouldn't care less.

The band's music got louder and so did the chants, a few students joined in a mad danced along and some chanted back--many just sat and continued their lunch.

"So, any of you guys going to homecoming?" I asked over the loud noise around us.

"Most likely." Most of the people at the table responded while some responded a simple no.

"I'm stuck in the middle; I kind of want to, but then again I don't." I grabbed a couple of grapes off my tray and ate them one by one.

"Who are you gonna take?" Eve asked.

"No one," I simply replied, "I don't think I need to bring anyone. I've survived seventeen years of my life alone, I think I'll manage."

"Well, I tried to get Liam to come to homecoming with me since were gonna get married." Crystal said before taking a bite out of her pizza.

"Niall should come to homecoming with me." Rose said from the end of the table.

"Stop dreaming." Crystal said.

"Your dreams wasn't even gonna happen either so..." Marissa trailed off.

I sighed and remained quiet. This usually happened most of the time so it was nothing new.

The lights in the cafeteria flickered and all the students got up from their seats and exited the cafeteria. I walked back to my music class and sat down at one of the computers that we'd be working on for today.

One everyone was settled down Mr. Riley walked to the front of the classroom. "Since tonight is homecoming you all may have the period free. Work on your projects, listen to music, just don't get too loud."

The whole class cheered and did their own thing while I took out my headphone and listened to music for the remainder of class.


Everyone was loud and the stadium was on the edge of their seats. I had no idea what was going on and just sat on the bleachers trying to not get elbowed by people around me.

Even though I knew nothing about football, I knew for a fact that when the Patriots (us) scored a touch down or something good happened, the fans started yelling an cheering.

It was muggy outside and I wasn't in the best mood ever; all I wanted to do was go home and read something. Marissa was no where to be seen, Crystal refused to come claiming she had better things to do than "hang out around people who don't like me anyways", and every other friend I had was somewhere else.

"Is it okay if we sit here?" I clenched my jaw, and forced a smile.

I looked up and saw Lauren's big mum dangling of her shirt, and Austin behind her looking out towards the field.

"Sure." I clenched my teeth and looked forward.

I didn't know why I didn't like her, I just didn't. There was something about her that made me uncomfortable; she was someone I wasn't too fond of.

"So who's winning?" She asked.

I closed my eyes for a second and answered her as politely as I could.

"I have no idea, I'm not paying attention."

"Well, isn't that what football games are for? To watch and pay attention?" She asked as she craned her neck to get a better view of the field.

"Yeah, I guess." I answered while clenching my hands. I won't let my anger out, I will control myself. "Perfect bitch." I muttered under my breath.

"You know there's a party afterwards, you should come." She smiled at me and I awkwardly returned the gesture.

"Uh, I'll think about it. I have to go find my friend, Marissa." I stood up and walked away to find her or I find something to eat.

The consetion stand was the first thing thing I saw so I got in line to buy something. As I got the things I ordered I walked back to the bleachers and on he concrete near the railing alone and tried to watch the game.

The other team scored a touchdown and half the stadium started booing; I just rolled my eyes and continued eating the skittles I'd purchased.

"Hey girl, why are you sitting here?" Devon asked as he sat down next to me along with Kelsey and Eliza.

"Perfect bitch sat next to me and I got up and moved." I ate a clueless more skittles before crumpling up the wrapper and shoving it into my pocket.

He grabbed some Doritos that I had bough and watched the game along side me and the rest of the girls. Easy View ended up winning in the end, and the entire Patriots side of the stadium cheered.

I took out all the trash I'd kept in my pockets and dumped it into a near by trash bin.

"Hey we're going to the party, are you coming?" Eliza asked as I turned around to exit the gates.

"I don't know, Marissa was my ride here so.."

"Hey," Marissa joined into our circle, "Hope you don't mind, I wanted to go to the party."

"You should come too!" Devon said.

I debated internally-- I have nothing better to do, but the again, I half the people there don't even want me there.

"C'mon, it's a Friday night and you've got nothing better to do."

"Sure," I mumbled "I'll go."

They all cheered and we went to the parking lot towards all our vehicles. The ride there was pretty short since the party was not too far from Georgetown High School's stadium.

The party hadn't even started, and not too many people were here but this place already looked worse than Sixth Street (2) on a Saturday.

-Author's Note

Not writing the party scene because nothing interesting happens. I just want to get to the main conflict and get the story going. The good stuff is in the next chapter.(; I don't know when I'll update maybe tonight, tomorrow, in a week. I dunno. (;

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