Part One: Maybe It's Faith's Way Of Telling Me To Grow A Pair

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Part One: Maybe It's Faith's Way Of Telling Me To Grow A Pair.


Song For The Chapter:

Rainbow by Alyssa Shouse



-Celeste's Point Of View-

Avoiding people has become a habit of mine.

Running from my problems has become a constant thing now. I am a coward, I would do anything to avoid unwanted situations, and now I've found myself in one; Austin is sitting right behind me.

I just had to insist we sit in the middle instead of the front, and now I'm regretting my decision. The senior meeting in the theater hadn't begun yet, so we had to sit down and patiently wait.

Everyone is chatting amongst themselves while I remain as quiet as usual. But instead of thinking about less stressful things, I'm sitting here having a panic attack on the inside.

We haven't been this close to each other in years now I guess. Sure we've ended up in the same lunch line, or sitting at least two rows away from each other during pep rallies but never this close. I always managed to avoid these situations and now we were sitting here less than five feet away from each other.

I took my snake and hawk ring off my finger and held it between my thumb and index finger examining it and zoning out.

"Hey, Cel, you okay?" Marissa asked. I'd met Marissa back in eight grade, and we had been friends ever since. We weren't best friends, but we were pretty close.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine." I put my ring back on my finger and pulled out my phone typing in the passcode and logging onto social medias.

"Oh, okay," She said and went back to the conversation she was having with another girl.

I'd never really told anyone about what happened between Austin and I-- the friendship that just kind of ended and didn't talk about. I wasn't comfortable talking about my life and my problems so I just kind of kept quiet. I loved the people I had around me, but I wasn't one to open up to just anyone, it wasn't in my comfort zone.

I put my phone into my pocket and turned my attention forward, avoiding everything around me.

The principle walk up on stage tapping the microphone and welcoming the student body until everyone was silent. He begun a speech about how much we had grown, and how the years flew by before handing the microphone to one of the counselors and the light turning off so we could watch a power point.

As the projector slowly turned on, all the students returned to their side conversations, and so did the person behind me.

Deep breaths, Cel. Deep breaths.

I hadn't hear his voice this close now in years. It was deeper and much more masculine than it was the times I'd hear him talking from a distance.

I took a couple of breaths, and let out a loud sigh, relaxing a bit. I fidgeted with the purple bracelet on my wrist to pass time and collect my thoughts.

"Hey, you okay?" Crystal asked. I'd met Crystal back in sixth grade and we had remained friends until now.

She was one of the most unique people in this whole town. She wasn't "fake" like a lot of people in this school. I guess you could say she had an unique way of doing things. She dressed differently, but that didn't really matter; everyone has the option to be whoever the want to be.

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