Part Four: Punched Me In The Gut

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Part Four: Punched Me In The Gut


Song For The Chapter:

My Darling by Miley Cyrus (feat. Future)



-Celeste's Point Of View-

-Last Semester Of School-

I was raging.

I gripped onto the steering wheel harder to prevent from accelerating and possibly causing an accident. My knuckles were slightly turning white, and my jaw was locked tight.

If I wouldn't get suspended I think I wouldn't have hesitated to choke Mr. Riley in class earlier today. Out of all the projects we could've done, and all the partners I could've gotten I think I'd gotten the worst luck.

I'd done a good job all year--and my entire high school life-- at avoiding having any sort of communication with Austin. Until now.

My luck must've ran our or something, because out of any year that we could've communicated, our senior year was the one were we would have to.

After school everyone asked why I looked like I was going to murder someone, and I just replied a simple, "whatever".

It had been the usual in music class until the last fifteen minutes when Mr. Riley interrupted us.

"Students, please return to the tables," he waited for all of us to go to the tables in the middle before proceeding, "As you know, you all are seniors and this is your last year in this school."

Some of the boys wolf whistled and Mr. Riley chuckled at their reactions.

"I've decided it and I think it's time that you take everything you've learned in this class and combine it for a final project," He walked over to the door and pressed the "on" button that was located next to the door.

The projected slowly warmed up and a document was seen on the board.

Song Project

It was what was labeled at the top of the word document in big, black, bold letters. I began reading the beginning of the paper to find out what this was about.

Song Project:

The students of Music 4 will apply skills learned in previous years to create an original song. Project will be done with partners; they will be written, rehearsed, and recorded. Partners will be chosen by the teacher.

This project will be due last week of school--completed and ready to present. Students will present in a big showcase the last day of school in the main theater.

When he finished reading from the board the whole class began their own side conversations and it took Mr. Riley a while to quiet us down.

"So, I've chosen your partners and luckily there is an even amount of people in our class to have just pairs. Please," he emphisised, "refrain from traiding partners; I've paired all of you with someone who I think you all will get along with, and has some sort of special talent to help with the more musical part of this."

The class groaned and he began speaking again, "So, let me call out partners and you all may have the last five minutes to get together and disscuss somethings. I don't think any of you will have a problem with this, we all seem to get along in this class."

"Sam and Miguel, Jessica and Alexandria, Shannon and Mando," He kept going down the list, "Celeste and," He trailed of at and looking down at his list, "Austin." He said the last few partners and then let us get together.

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