Part Five: I Just Want To Be Diffrent

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Part Five: I Just Want To Be Diffrent


Song For The Chapter:

Merry Go 'Round by Kacy Musgraves


-Celeste's Point Of View-

-Next Friday-

"I didn't mean to stop talking to you--I didn't mean to turn into her over there, but I just wanted to stop." I moved away from the bench and stood on the neon 'x' on stage. "Stop before I caused any more damage. I feel like my words cause so much destruction; the harsh words break you and tear you apart like a storm, but I--"

I stopped when I heard the sound of the black box theater door close. Everyone's attention went from me to the person who had just walked in. Since the theater was dark, I couldn't see anything. Mrs. Matthews turned the lights back on fully and Austin awkwardly waved at everyone from the door.

"Hey, what do you need?" Mrs. Matthews asked him.

"I need Celeste to work on a project," he told her and then spoke to me, "can you work right now?"

"Do you need me for anything else?" I asked Mrs. Matthews.

"Not really, you may go. Bye Cel." I got my things from my chair and waved goodbye to the class.

"I'll see y'all Tuesday." I yelled as I made my way to the door which Austin was holding open.

I nodded my head in acknowledgement as I fully exited the theater and we walked down the cold hallways together. I finally decided to break the awkwardness by clearing my throat and being the first one to speak.

"What did you want to work on?"

We turned the corner of the end of the hallway and walked near the small steps towards the library. The library doors were closed and the lights inside were turned off making the place completely dark.

"It's closed." Austin pointed to the sign on the door.

"I see," I nodded my head, "Well, what do we do now? We can't leave school."

Since the gates in the student parking were closed no one could leave; if someone were to go over the elevated concrete sidewalks, they'd most likely mess their tires up.

"C'mon, I have another place we could work." He gestured for me to follow him up the stairs that were near the trophy case.

He walked up the stairs, passed the vending machines, and lockers that no one occupied. He led us away from the lockers and to a small abandoned hallway. It shouldn't even be considered a hallway, more like a small bridge look-a-like.

If you looked over the edge you could see "the diamond" were the offices were located. He set his things down against the wall that blocked people from seeing whatever was in this small bridge, he sat down too, putting his back against the wall.

I set my backpack down next to his and sat down against the concrete wall opposite of him. I reached over and took out my notebook from my backpack along with a pencil.

Austin took out a notebook and a own; be tapped the pen against his notebook as I got situated.

"Do you has any ideas?" I looked down at my notebook and thought about what Mr. Riley had told us.

"He told us to write about things that are real to us--things we could relate to." I quoted from the instruction sheet we had gotten days prior to the assignment.

Nothing Is What It Use To Be (Austin Mahone Fan Fiction // Completed)Where stories live. Discover now