Disney World - Nash Grier Imagine

Start from the beginning

“Oh, hi! I’m Y/N. I play Cinderella,” you told him, still holding his hand after an awkwardly long shake.

“I know,” Nash laughed, “Mr. Davisson told me. I guess we’re together?” he said, raising an eyebrow with an adorable shy smirk upon his lips.

“I guess so,” you said, taking his arm. You turned toward Lily and Annabelle who were obviously staring at the boy, but you gave them the he’s-mine-and-totally-off-limits-so-you-better-not-try-to-steal-him kind of look. You and Nash strolled around the restaurant and toward the kitchen, with you pointing out all of the things he would need to know for the job. Not that there was much to know, you literally just walked around looking pretty and taking pictures, occasionally singing for the little kids.

“So…” Nash trailed off, trying to make conversation with you. His arm tightened around yours. “Do you have a Prince Charming in real life?” He said, his eyes staring deep into yours. You glanced down at the counter, biting your lip.

“No… I don’t… Do you?” you asked, genuinely curious. You finally made yourself look at him.

“Nah. I haven’t had time for a girl in a long time. I mean, I’m trying to move into a better apartment, take care of my little sister,” he said.

“Aw, you have a little sister?” you asked, a smile broadening on your cheeks. You loved little girls; it was one of the reasons why you took this job in the first place.

“Yea. She’s actually coming today with  my mom for breakfast. You can meet her. Her name’s Skylynn.”

“That’s such a cute name. I bet she’s adorable.”

Nash grinned, looking at the floor, obviously thinking about the girl. “Yea, she is. I love her to death.”

You just smiled as you heard the elevator door open, revealing a pack of parents and their kids. You and Nash happily made your way to the door, greeting the kids as Julie led them to their tables. A couple of girls were dressed similarly to you, bright blue dresses and all, and some matched the other girls. You smiled at them, giving your best princess wave. Some were friendlier then others, running up and hugging you, some staying attached to their mother’s legs. Nash grinned at the kids, kissing the little girls on the cheek. After every child left, he would retrace his arm around your waist and pull you into his chest.

“Oh, here they are,” he whispered to you as the elevator opened for the fifth time. An adorable tan and blonde little girl was waiting at the front in a pink dress, completed with a little tiara sitting atop her head. She had on the cutest smile and ran towards her brother when she saw him.

“Nash!!!” she squealed, jumping into his arms. “I love you, big brother!” Nash hugged her tightly, smiling and greeting his mom. You had to cover your mouth to keep from saying ‘Awww’ too loud. It was just too cute.

“Hi, Skylynn, baby. I love you, too,” Nash said, his voice happy as could be. He set her down on the ground as you two walked the girl and her mother to their table. Skylynn hopped into the chair and looked out the window over the whole park. It was a beautiful sight.

For the next hour while all of the customers were eating breakfast, you and Nash walked around to the separate tables, greeting the customers happily, taking pictures with some. Nash always held you waist; it made you feel secure. You had a strong feeling towards the boy.

You had made it almost all the way around the circular dining room, one table left before Skylynn, the last customer. There were two girls at the preceding table, one dressed as you, the other dressed as Sleeping Beauty. The smiled and waved at you as you walked up.

“Why, hello girls,” you said in your Scarlet O’Hara/Cinderella voice, giving them a hug as they ran towards you.

“Hi, Cinderellie!” They chirped, calling you the nickname that Gus the mouse had called you in the Disney film. “Can you sing us a song?” they asked, jumping up and down.

“Oh, of course! Of course! Now sit down, girls,” You said, slowly making your way to their table. You ran through the lyrics of A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes in your mind before starting to sing the song in front of their table. The mom and dad dropped their forks at your voice, looking up to you with their jaws dropped.

“A dream is a wish your heart makes
When you're fast asleep
In dreams you lose your heartaches
Whatever you wish for, you keep
Have faith in your dreams and someday
Your rainbow will come smiling thru
No matter how your heart is grieving
If you keep on believing
the dream that you wish will come true…” you sang. Nash stared at you wide eyed, and the whole restaurant had stop eating to listen your song. As soon as you’d stopped, you’d received a round of applause from the customers and all of the staff. You blushed, burying your face into Nash’s shoulder, embarrassed by all of the praise.

“No, it was so beautiful,” he whispered to you, stroking your back with his gloved hand. You smiled at him as you both slowly made your way to Skylynn’s table while the applause faded away.

“Nash!” she said happily, hugging him before embracing you, too. Skylynn leaned over to Nash’s ear and whispered something to him. She pulled away and said, “Can you do that for me?” Nash looked at you for a second before looking back at Skylynn and nodding.

“If that’s what you want.” She nodded her head vigorously back and forth. “Okay then.”

You were confused until Nash slowly stood up and pulled you against him, so your hands were on his chest, his arms around your waist. He gave you an adorable look, his eyebrows raised but his eyes daring. “Shh…” he whispered to you. “Close your eyes and stand very still.” You nodded gently before closing your eyes.

Soon enough, you felt Nash’s lips on yours, kissing you softly, sweetly, passionately. You felt his lips smile into the kiss as the clock in the dining room struck twelve o’clock, noon. You pulled away to another round of applause from the whole entire restaurant. 

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