Fake girlfriend

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Troy's POV

I haven't seen so much crazy drama in school since Bella was dumped by Barnes before the homecoming dance. People were talking and whispering things, when Jason walked in with Pepper holding hands. All the girls were saying mean things about Pepper and were wondering how she managed to steal Jason from them, since he has clearly shown an interest for Sophie. I could listen to all of them talking behind her back, but Pepper didn't care at all, she really did have a huge crush on Jason. I haven't seen Sawyer or Sophie, Sophie was obviously taking the test, and Sawyer, well, we all knew what bothered him. I was at the lockers when I saw Bella coming from across the hall.

"Good morning! She said out of breath "I thought I was late, so I ran like crazy"

"Hey, good morning, you almost missed all the drama" I told her while I got my books from my locker.

"Oh Pepper and Jason, yes everyone is talking about it online, I got like 5 messages"

"She was the one who found him when he woke up after the play, so that obviously meant a lot to Jason"

"Yeah... Right, she helped him."

I could see a bit of hesitation in Bella's voice, like she didn't want to talk about that,

"Have you seen Sophie, today it's her test right?

"Yes we revised everything last night again, I think she'll do really well"

"I'm sure she will! Oh my we will be late for class Troy"

"You're right, let's go" and I followed her to class.

Sophie's POV

I was answering the questions and somehow I was sure I was right in most of them, I could see Mr. Stevens looking at me with excitement because it was the first time I wasn't looking at the ceiling. when I handed him the test with confidence he was shocked

"Sophie, you actually answered all the questions, I'm impressed, you can get your test by 3"

"Oh of course sir, I will be here!

I got out of the class, and the ambience of the school was a bit weird, while I walked down the hallway I thought I heard some girls talking about Pepper but I probably misheard, I saw Newt getting ready for class, he didn't look really happy which Is weird since science it's his favorite class.

"Hey, Newt, how are you?

"Hey Sophie, I'm good, how was your test?

"Um, good, I guess, what's going on, like I've been in there for some time, did I miss something?

"You missed a lot! Did Bella tell you what I recorded the other day at the starcade! He said while showing me that video where Jason asked Pepper to be his girlfriend.

"Yes, I rolled my eyes, but don't you think you should remove this video from your phone?"

"Why? Everybody knows, Jason and Pepper walked in school, together, holding hands!

"What? That's why those girls were talking about my friend, oh they are dead!" I was really mad, I wonder how Pepper felt, it probably won't even bother her,she loves fame.

During lunch

Jason and Pepper talking

Pepper's POV

"Pepper maybe it wasn't a good idea to let everyone know about us, I feel bad that everyone gossip's about you"

"Don't, I really don't mind" I gave him a smile.

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