Trying to be a hero

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It's been a really weird week since he started to figure out he probably had feelings for Sophie. He had to tell someone, but who? He couldn't tell Newt, it's been a year since he had a crush on Sophie but still Troy felt uncomfortable sharing with him, there are certain rules among friends and when they like the same girls. Sawyer would forever keep it a secret but he wouldn't be much of a help, and there was no way he could share this with either Bella or Pepper. But there was someone, Jason.

The bell rang school was finally over, a very long day for Troy who tried to avoid Sophie, and basically everyone else, he didn't manage to find Jason alone either, they were all gathered outside the school yard talking , waiting for him

"Dude one of the best food trucks is parked near the starcade just for today, they're doing this weird collaboration, we have to go there now!" Sawyer yelled while putting on his hat.

"Are you joking? What are you still doing here?"

"We were waiting for you duh?" Bella said.

"We know you love that truck" Sophie added with a smirk.

Troy smiled back but couldn't even say a word, he thought that if he spoke he would sound different than usual, and the others might suspect something.

"I am not going to follow this unhealthy dinner, i'll go home" Newt broke the silence, and Pepper agreed with him.

"Oh my god, look at all this street food, I am dying for this!" Jason said with excitement,

Zach waved them hello, and came closer

"Guys you need to try the Heels on Fire, best hot dog mix ever!" He said after hugging Bella and giving her a cute kiss on the cheek

"I wanna get the Demon Bike, it seems delicious!" Jason said and Sawyer agreed.

Sophie gave Troy a glance, "what will you choose?"

"Honestly i'm not sure, maybe something not too spicy"

"I thought you could handle hot" she couldn't help a small laugh and then shoved some people aside with her elbows and used her sassy tone "Ladies first!"she shouted at a group of boys who were blocking the front of the truck.

Troy loved her dynamic, the way she could get whatever she wanted.

Sophie was the first one who got her food and she sat at a bench not far from the truck. A bunch of boys showed up, they were the ones who were in front of the line.

"Well, if it ain't the princess who yelled so she could get first in line " one of them said.

Sophie rolled her eyes while she took a big bite of her food.

"I think you had enough of this" the other guy said and threw down the rest of it.

Sophie was so mad, she could easily take the two of them down, but the third one was huge.

"You think you're all tough now?" she said

"This will teach you to stay in line!"

"Well you obviously couldn't decide what to order, you didn't have to make everyone behind you wait, oh and ladies always come first" she cursed in Spanish and they probably understood that what she said was not polite. "You're a bunch of sad little boys who can't wait two minutes to get their order and then harass a girl who was sure of her meal. I bet you are here all alone, no girlfriends right?" The irony was bursting out of every word she said.

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