chapter 12

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Yuki pov

Once Sasuke woke up we made it to the tower without any problems. When we got their we opened both the scrolls. A man with tanned skin, a ponytail, and a scar across his nose appeared. I recognized him as Iruka. After a brief conversation with him we were lead to rooms where we would spend the remaining two days of the test.

Time skip

"Alright, since there are too many of you, we will do a preliminary round." Lord Third said. "If there is anybody who can't fight please raise leave, and good luck next year." After that was said a few people left, including Kabuto. After that we all went up to the balcony and waited our turn. The first ones up were one of the sound ninja against the sand boy wearing make-up. Unsurprisingly, the puppet boy won. Next was Naruto vs. Kiba. Naruto won with a fart.  Then Hinata vs. Neji. Neji practically destroyed her. I held the railing so tight that my knuckles turned white and the metal creaked slightly. Family shouldn't treat each other like that. My mood lightened when Naruto stood up to Neji and promised to beat him in the next round. Then Tenten fought the sand kunoichi. Sand won again. Then Sasuke had a fight with the other boy from the sound. Sasuke won, but only because he copied Lee's taijutsu style. Then Ino and Sakura. They had a draw. The fight was pretty pathetic. Shikamaru won his fight with the sound girl. My fight was against Shino. I killed the majority of his bugs with a fire jutsu then knocked him out with a genjutsu. Choji lost as well. Then the final fight was Gaara vs Lee. 'He must be the sand's jinchuuriki. I can see the demonic chakra with my sharingan but that's all. I think he might be insane.' I thought to myself. Lee lost. He came really close to winning though. By the looks of those injuries, he'll never fight again.

After the preliminaries,  Sasuke and I headed home. He was going to train with Itachi while I'm gonna try and learn some of my brother's genjutus.

When we got home, Itachi looked like he had just walked through the door. He still had on his Anbu gear, and his tanto had blood on it. He had dirt on his clothes and his hair was slightly disheveled. He also looked like he hasn't slept in a few days. "Hello, how'd the exams go?" He asked. "Good. We're both in the final round. You reek of b.o. and have bags under your eyes. Go shower and sleep. I'll bring you dinner." I said quickly before pushing him towards the stairs. "Do u really smell that bad?" He asked. "Yes," Sasuke and I said bluntly in unison. He nodded and went upstairs to shower. I made dinner while Sasuke cleaned to blood that dripped on the carpet because of Itachi. We spent the rest of the night relaxing. It was mostly silent as we all studied different scrolls. Sasuke and would be training non-stop for the next month.

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